If you know more applications with icon theme support, please let me know

Applications need to support http://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdelibs-apidocs/kdeui/html/classKStatusNotifierItem.html#a9a48df4020cf548a0250a2ed4f388965 so pls fill a bugreport

If there are more Apps, please add them here:
http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Plasma/ThemeDetails#Theming_Application_Icons_in_the_Systemtray or write a comment

ATM Arctic supports following applications:
Network Manager
Printer Applet
Quassel IRC
Ratings & Comments
What about Kaffeine? And Kfilebox?
Both do not support http://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdelibs-apidocs/kdeui/html/classKStatusNotifierItem.html#a9a48df4020cf548a0250a2ed4f388965 please open a bugreport. if they support it, i will create an icon. (i have to know the ID and the filename)
Thanks for those nice icons. It would be great to have one for : qmmp kmail/kontact choqok kgpg MySQLLoader
yep and i will create one for every application with support for :) so pls(!) go to your favorite application homepage and create a bugreport for it and let them write the Application in here: http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Plasma/Theme#Theming_Application_Icons_in_the_Systemtray :)
It will be great , if you add icons for bangarang and kfilebox. And, if it is posible, kopete icon in the white-with-green style. PS Awesome green color :)
my plan was to set a green kopete icon when there are new incomming messages. but for the moment we can not chance the icon for incomming stuff :( so i could only make the "i'm online" icon green so you will see the very every time that green thing. i dont know if this is good (or i dont understand your idea ^^?) bangarang.. i think it dont support the new systray theming. kfilebox maybe the same but i will have a look :s
About kopete - no, i do'nt think about green icon every time - only when it have messages. And i remember another moment - battery icon.On my notebook it every time has a green label.I think that more good will be showing label when battery charging. (sorry for my english)
yep and this "new message"-icon (the animated thing) isnt changeable :( the battery thing should only be there when the AcAdapter is plugged in. if it really is there every time please uninstall the icons and try it with the oxygen one. but it should work
Sorry, i mixed up bug and feature :). My laptop most of the time is plugged in, so for me its means "nothin happens".
Hum it's great but how to uninstall it? Your script is wonderfull for the intallation but their is none option for uninstall it.
now there is an uninstall option in the install-script :) and it should work ^^
Ha thanks for the improving^^
I like your icons, but on my laptop it looks uncompleted:)
its in the work :D but the battery is a little .. strange ^^
Hi! Now its works with Amarok! I would like to see with amsn! thanx!!
i dont know but i think amsn dont support the kde4 themes :s maybe its possible to add a *.png and use them as tray icon in amsn. i will try it a little later :)
Hi man! I love it, but doenst work with amarok 2.3 +. A app would be great ir Amsn! Thanx man!