It would be nice if file tips had a separator (some space or an horizontal line would do) between general and meta info.Screenshot 1: Original File TipScreenshot 2: Added some spaceScreenshot 3: Added horizontal lineBug report: suck at design. The mock ups are just to illustrate what I mean with the "separation", not saying it should be done exactly like this.
Ratings & Comments
I upgraded to KDE 3.4.2 on my Debian AMD64 box and looked at a file after I saw this and there it was. Congrats
I am seeing an identical thing in kde 3.4 beta 1, so I guess it will be in the future kde. congrats.
a nice idea. hope the dev's can do it ;-)
I think it shall be reversed, the file info up and the fily type, ownership ecc below the line. Important info comes first.
Maybe an xml formating standard like the one used in Kopete could be used.
I like the idea with the space. You should post a wish on and tell us the URL, so that we can vote for it.
Oops... you already did that... Sometimes I am faster at typing than reading.
like info should be next to each other. spliting it up with a bar IMO is a nice idea.