K Menu Gnome (Debian package)
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
K Menu with Gnome folder and extra icons for KDE 3.2 or later.
If you install both KDE and Gnome then K Menu will become a mess with overpopulated submenus. Some distributions try to solve this by hiding many Gnome apps in KDE and most KDE apps in Gnome. I do not like that. I want to access Gnome apps in KDE and KDE apps in Gnome. So this is my attempt to both maintain desktop interoperability and unmess the menus.
Why should one install both KDE and Gnome at all? You might be sharing your machine with somebody who prefers the other desktop, or you might be a desktop junky like I am.
Menu Structure
KDE apps are left where they are. GNOME apps are moved into Gnome. Applications that require neither KDE, nor GNOME are moved into $CATEGORY/More.
1. Save as kmenu-gnome_1.2.3-1_all.deb
2. dpkg -i kmenu-gnome_1.2.3-1_all.deb
Known Issues
K Menu Gnome only works as expected with an unmodified K Menu. If you have already edited your menu with KMenuEdit or added Windows applications to the menu with Wine/Crossover/Cedega then you should only install K Menu Gnome if you know how to handle menu customization conflicts. Per-user menu customizations are stored in ~/.config/menus.
I am no longer a desktop junky so this is the last release of K Menu Gnome. It was fun while it lasted.
Release 1.2.3
* Excluded CantorPart from Lost & Found
* Excluded fedora-lxappearance.desktop from Settings
* Emptied Electronics directory in fedora-administration.patch to avoid conflict with FEL electronics-menu
* Updated/added Arabic, Assamese, Bengali, Breton, Chhattisgarhi, Crimean Tatar, Dhivehi, Dutch, Galician, Guarani, Hausa, Hindi, Icelandic, Igbo, Indonesian, Italian, Latvian, Low Saxon, Marathi, Punjabi, Romanian, Serbian, Sinhalese & Yoruba translations
Ratings & Comments
I signed on kde-look.org only to thank you for this Improvement. A good little idea that solves an annoying small problem. Thank you very much! :)
My pleasure.
ls /etc/xdg/menus/*: /etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu /etc/xdg/menus/kde4-applications.menu /etc/xdg/menus/ggz.menu /etc/xdg/menus/kde-applications.menu /etc/xdg/menus/gnomecc.menu /etc/xdg/menus/kde-information.menu /etc/xdg/menus/gnome-screensavers.menu /etc/xdg/menus/settings.menu /etc/xdg/menus/applications-merged: ggz.merge.menu kmenu-gnome.menu vmware-ace-vms.menu /etc/xdg/menus/kde4-applications-merged: kmenu-gnome.menu /etc/xdg/menus/kde-applications-merged: kmenu-gnome.menu ls .config/menus/*: .config/menus/applications-merged: cxmenu-cxgames-0.menu cxmenu-cxgames-1ae78e2a-a1b1-4192-b9fb-38c550752ecb.menu .config/menus/kde4-applications-merged: cxmenu-cxgames-0.menu cxmenu-cxgames-1ae78e2a-a1b1-4192-b9fb-38c550752ecb.menu .config/menus/kde-applications-merged: cxmenu-cxgames-1ae78e2a-a1b1-4192-b9fb-38c550752ecb.menu Thanks
There might be a conflict either between /etc/xdg/menus/applications-merged/vmware-ace-vms.menu and kmenu-gnome.menu or between the cxmenu-cxgames-*.menu files and kmenu-gnome.menu What happens if you rename vmware-ace-vms.menu as vmware-ace-vms.menu.backup and rename all the cxmenu-cxgames-*.menu files as cxmenu-cxgames-*.menu.backup? If you are using KDE4 then you may need to log out and log in again or even reboot to see the change.
After doing this I have a Gnome folder, but it only has Rythmbox in it and none of my other Gnome apps
Are they really Gnome apps? GTK apps that don't require Gnome are not considered Gnome apps. E.g Pidgin is neither a KDE app, nor a Gnome app, so you should find it in Internet/More.
I have Pidgin in internet>more, but nothing else in anything. I am missing things such as GIMP, Firefox, and Audicity just to name a few. They do not show up in any menu or folder in the menus Thanks
Which version of Debian are you using? I tested K Menu Gnome with Etch, Lenny, Squeeze and Sid and could not reproduce your problem. If uninstalling K Menu Gnome does not help then something else must have hid your apps. This is how you remove K Menu Gnome: sudo dpkg -r kmenu-gnome (or sudo dpkg -r 31031-kmenu-gnome if you saved it as 31031-kmenu-gnome_0.9.1-1_all.deb) To make sure, look around in /etc/xdg/menus/*merged and check if any instance of kmenu-gnome.menu is left over after removal. (There should not be any.) If there is no improvement after removal then clean ~/.config/menus. Don't delete the files in case you might need them later, just move them out somewhere else. If still no improvement then look around in ~/.local/share/applications. If you find *.desktop files there, open them with a text editor and check if they have lines like this: NotShowIn=KDE or this: OnlyShowIn=GNOME or this: NoDisplay=true
Moving the files out fixed it. Thanks for the help on fixing this issue.
Hello, after installing this all of my Gnome applications are gone. There is no Gnome folder in any of my start menu categories, and after uninstalling it i don't have them back. What can I do to fix this? Thanks
Could you post the outputs of these two commands, please: ls /etc/xdg/menus/* ls .config/menus/* Note the dot before config.
Really thanks u fix a problem for all =)
big idea
Thanks for making this. I installed it on my Kubuntu desktop and now I see a Gnome folder with the Gnome apps in it.
Great little app. I was kind of upset at the mishmash after I installed the kubuntu-desktop but now it's a hell of a lot easier to navigate through. Many Thanks
Works graeats in my Kde 4.1 Debian sources??? I need add this tweak to mi debian repo deb http://amarok2deb.co.cc/debian unstable main I can add your package???
Yes, sure. The source tarball is here: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=31025 Run ./make-debian-package.sh to make a Debian package.
great little app....i use gnome-menu-extended on my desktop running ubuntu. But now what do i do......on my laptop im running opensuse10.3. This would be great if we just had an rpm to install this app. Do you have anything planned for an rpm, and suse users?
SUSE's KDE menu is so different from KDE's upstream menu that supporting it would require too much customization of the kmenu-gnome.menu config file of this package. Since the time I can spend on this project is limited, a volunteer SUSE packager is more than welcome.
I love it, as well as your "Debian Menu Icons" these two simply kick ass. However, I'm planning to move to KDE4, so what's the situation with "K menu Gnome" and "Debian Menu Icons" on KDE4? I really don't wanna be on KDE without these :) Keep up the good work.
Both are on my todo list but I am too busy at work this January so do not expect a release until February or March.
Hi. Will this work with Kbfx too? Thanks
I'm using debian lenny, and I have installed kmenu-gnome_0.6.6-1_all.deb. I have installed some gnome apps, but one of two things happens: 1) The application is found on the "Debian" menu only 2) The application is found on the KDE usual "More applications" submenu. This is the case of, for example, gtodo (More applications submenu), and file-roller (Debian menu only). Is this package mantained?
Oh, sorry, I have to say that for some apps it actually works ok. This is the case of, for example, epiphany, eye of gnome, gnome system monitor. So it does actually work for some gnome apps.