Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
A little history about it:
The Osborne's bull is a black silhouetted image of a bull in semi-profile, and is regarded as the unofficial national symbol of Spain. The Osborne sherry company erected large images of bulls, in black with the maker's name, as advertising hoardings on sites near to major roads throughout Spain. After a law was passed in the 1990s prohibiting such advertising, the hoardings were to be removed. The signs were nationally famous though, so some campaigners wished them completely removed to fully comply with the intent of the law, but they were by this time nationally renowned, so the public response resulted in the signs being retained, but completely blacked out to remove all reference to the original advertisers. There are nearly one hundred examples of the Osborne bull advertisements, often sited on a low hilltop so as to be clearly silhouetted against the sky.
(Taken from Wikipedia)
more bull photos:
Text in spanish version (not the same)
para los españoles:
Los toros de Osborne son unas grandes vallas publicitarias de carretera con la silueta de un toro bravo que se encuentran situadas en puntos concretos de la geografía española. Su función inicial era promocionar el brandy Veterano del Grupo Osborne, aunque en la actualidad se han convertido, además de en la marca comercial de esta empresa, en un distintivo cultural español.
La legislacion en 1990 prohibió la publicidad en las carreteras, obligando a retirar todos los carteles. Sólo el toro se salvo, a peticion popular y posteriormente indultado oficialmente por los tribunales. actualmente, no tiene indicativos comerciales, marcando de negro los horizontes de las carreteras españolas.
Ratings & Comments
Thanks for the history lesson. It was very interesting.
Yo, como buen Español ¿que voy a decir? Te importaría poner la descripción en español? Gracias.