my frozen lake
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Ratings & Comments
Good idea! Let us share all our beautiful nature pictures. I am right now on a national park tour in the USA. I can tell you, everyday I take around 60 pictures and all are great enough to share them with all kdelook users... :)
you must be having a wonderful time, uh? can't wait to see your pictures, I love nature, expecially mountains and forests. you can have a look at, i'm about to add some more pics...
Wow, looks good. I can't await to flood this page with my pics. I really hope there'll be enough disk space on the server. And all of you users will have to have enough patience to see all of them. The only problem that I see is: Is it still KDE related? I mean, it is a vacation shot of a KDE user, definitely - but on the other side... Maybe I will interprete some grass holms as a capitalized 'K'... :)
>The only problem that I see is: Is it still KDE related? sure, we all love beautiful pictures, even if they don't have tux, the word Linux or a huge K right in the center... :)
Hi again. I forgot to tell you.. I'm from Mexico.. My home town Uruapan has lakes as beautifull as yours.. I hope I have some fre time to take pictures and share them with all kde-lookers :) Greetings from Queretaro Augusto Ayala (quetzalli)
God! this is an incredible place!! where exatly is it?.. The picture of the water looks great!! I love to see pictures from nature around the world.. Like I do I would like to see pictures from many countries and have a little explanation of the place and it's location.. Thanks for a great picture!!! Auugusto Ayala (quetzalli)
Hi, my dear mexican friend. This is the Source of the river Clitunno, in Umbria, a central region of Italy, quite close to Assisi, the hometown of S. Francesco, you know? and... guess what? the Source is Open for all to see and enjoy! :P and... i'm really looking forward to seeing the pictures of your lakes in this site! Sharing is the reason we're here... Hasta luego!