Crystal Redhat Wallpaper
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
I have also uploaded a version where the light comes from directly above, and a blue version of the same thing. You can download those from the screenshots. I think that covers all the requests I've recieved.
This is my first wallpaper, be honest and let me know what you think of it.
I added a gradient so that it wouldn't be quite so red and I shadowed the text.
If anyone else can suggest any additional improvements, please add them to the comments below.
I had several requests to make this wallpaper without any supernova effects, so here it is.
I fixed it so that my light source agreed with my shadows, and in case anyone had noticed it, I removed the thin red outline from around my letters.
As suggested in one of the comments below I have changed all of the font to white so that it is more discernable from the shadowing beneath it.
Thank you for so many constructive suggestions
Ratings & Comments
hi.. nice bkgrd and all but can someone tell me what those errm sysmonis are all about?? -- i loooovve :> whats it calllled :>
The monitor program I'm running is called gkrellm. It is available at the following site: http://muhri.net/gkrellm/ There are a plethora of skins available for it, in that particular screenshot I'm using a skin called "invisible". It is also available at the aforementioned site. Please let me know if I can help you with anything else. Sean P.
Please, please create one for us SuSE fans as well. Your wallpapers look great. Keep up the good work. Thannks...
Done, that wallpaper is available here: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=4346 I hope you like it
excellent stuff, inspirational,are you going to be doing 1024x768 versions (hint,hint)..
size. KDE and Gnome can both automagically scale your wallpaper. I purposely chose to make these wallpapers so large so that no one would have to worry increasing the size of the wallpapers and ending up with poor detail. If you still need to manually scale it (i.e. if you are using another window manager) I would suggest the Gimp. It is all powerful and can rescale an image without even breaking a sweat. Once you open the image with the Gimp just right click on it choose Image => Scale Image. If you still have problems please let me know.
your wallpaper looks nice. the blue one is excellent. Red Hat 4ever!!!
As seen above, a blue gradient background would be nice, as the red simply seems to make me angry. *grin*
your RH wallpaper is cool the effect of marble with a ligthing is very good , but i have a 1 objection the word hat is black and background is black too. i think that you would change the colour to white or another colour.
maybe it's just me, but it looks like the light is hitting from the top, yet the shadows veer to the right. Otherwise, I think it's beautiful. And I thought RH was an extremely good dist. to learn linux with ;)
...but how about a blue one? -- T