Description: Improved version of my image -Dreamland- ( Noisereduction applied, moon and background are better integrated now, just look and -hate it or love it- ;-) Version without moon will be provided later.
Hi Janet,
thanks for your comment! After looking on the photo you´d uploaded on ImageShack I finally unterstood what you meant! Your idea is fantatsic and makes the picture look even more "dreamy". Would you like to apply your manipulation on the original photo? I would note your efforts in this picture in the description :-) You can download the full-resolution version hewe:
Greets and Thanks,
... but the moon is too 3d on top of the surface because of that dark shadow on the left side and the very sharp left border. Maybe it would look better when the sky at the left side of the moon is darker.
Maybe you get an impression what I mean. I softened the moon border at the left with a slight blur and filled the moon plus 2 pixel with a blue gradient.
But that gives a little different mood.
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I think I´m rather skilled in photography than in software like Gimp or Photoshop...;-) Maybe I have to learn more complicated image tasks.
Well, when I give you the xcf instead of doing another manipulation you can maybe reproduce and understand what I've done.
Hi Janet, thanks for your comment! After looking on the photo you´d uploaded on ImageShack I finally unterstood what you meant! Your idea is fantatsic and makes the picture look even more "dreamy". Would you like to apply your manipulation on the original photo? I would note your efforts in this picture in the description :-) You can download the full-resolution version hewe: Greets and Thanks, Marcel
... but the moon is too 3d on top of the surface because of that dark shadow on the left side and the very sharp left border. Maybe it would look better when the sky at the left side of the moon is darker.
Quick'n'dirty: Maybe you get an impression what I mean. I softened the moon border at the left with a slight blur and filled the moon plus 2 pixel with a blue gradient. But that gives a little different mood.