Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:Change in gtk.css gtk-main.css to gtk-main-lpanel.css.
gtk2 copied from win2-7 basic. gpl
requires pixbuf!
Gtk3 theme created for gtk3.18 desktop X apps based on ambiance/ambiant.(16.04). Cc by nc nd . DO NOT REDISTRIBUTE , REHOST OR REMIX THIS PART IN ANY SOFTWARE PRODUCT WITHOUT SIGNED PERMISSION OF BLUEDXCA93. The modified parts of source code is freely available for reading only with the download. Modifying it and/or republishing without permission is not wanted by the author.
Unity and nemo support nearly fully implemented now.
Written for 3.18 16.04. It schould run on 15.014/15.10 too. Can say how it performs on 3.20.
This theme will receive updates next weeks/days. and is under active development.
v.0.8.1 added unity blackpanel support see screenshot. A light menubar styled blue Panel option is coming soon too for gnome-flashback & unity.
v.0.8.3 various bugfixes in scrollbar and buttons , new cinnamon theme.
v.0.8.5 updated tooltips
v.0.8.6 panel fix ; pathbar workaround
Ratings & Comments
This is currently the only theme that works on Ubuntu Gnome 16.04. Everything else looks like a huge (literally) mess. Very grateful for Ambient-Aero.
Might be your best theme ever. It looks smooth. I'll get back with more ...
Hi there, Seems to shape up nicely. How does it behave on Cinnamon 2.8.8?
Hi Bluedexca93, Have you considered to include an "End User License Agreement" with the theme. Hopefully you're laughing 'cause I'm joking. Regards.
:lol: Not necessary at the moment. I do add one pnce it really is and its not like that `ll ever happen. Just saw things in past i didn`t really want so did release it now partially under cc by nc nd.
I understand that you had some unpleasant experiences in the past which made you overconscious about the issue. I take my joke back and apologize. Regards
bluedxca93, Your Ambiant-Aero theme is almost perfect in design and in coloring. But I'm using gnome-flashback, the text on the panel is too dark to see. The text color is very dark green. If this point is fixed, that is perfect theme for me and the people using gnome-flashback. I want you to change the dark green text to bright white text. So, The Ambiant-Aero will be perfect. I request you to improve this point. I'm glad if you change this point. Thank You.
Please post output of: gsettings get org.gnome.gnome-panel.layout object-id-list Bug most likely is in line 25 of /apps/gnome-panel.css. Use color: #000000; instead of color: green; Do fix this soon next days(s) in meantime check the lightpanel option ( gtk.css -> gtk-main.css to gtk-main-lpanel.css).! Suppose its a litlle bit stabler. And yes this has to be a invisible value, so if you see a green color that is a bug i didn`t expect. My panel text is pure white.Am using gnome-flashback too.
Thank You for your answer. my gsettings get org.gnome.gnome-panel.layout object-id-list is here. ['notification-area', 'user-menu', 'window-list', 'object-3', 'object-10', 'action-button-force-quit-0', 'menu-bar-0', 'sensors-applet-0', 'multi-load-applet-0-0', 'workspace-switcher-applet-0', 'g-weather-applet-0'] You're using flashback too. It is good news. I expect for nextday(s)! Sorry for my poor English. I'm Japanese. Thank you for your reading. Regards.
For your hint, I changed gtk-3.0/apps/gnome-panel.css in line 25 instead of green to white, where I got a bright white text in the panel. It worked!. Then about Ambiant-Aero, I have nothing to say. Thank You a lot. I respect you.
OOPS! There is one more point I have not mentioned. The texts of the calendar on panel are a little hard to see because the texts are gray and the background color is white. If you fix the point, Ambiant-Aero theme will be really perfect for gnome-flashback, I think. I couldn't fix the point even though I have read the .css file. So you please fix it. Thank You. My best regards.
I hacked somehow in gtk-3.0/apps/gnome-panel.css file. From line 154, I changed code in the following way. code:-------------------------------------------- ClockBox { color:#ffffff; background-color: #000000; text-shadow: 0 -1px shade (#ffffff, 1.0); } ------------------------------------------------- So, I got the easy-looking text in the calendar applet.
now fixed.
Could you please synchronize the tooltip colors of GTK2 and GTK3. Otherwise great theme - using it on three fedora 23 mate computers.
hi, you mean the text box showed up when hovering an label.? its white silver gray on gtk2 and yellow on gtk3. Do fix this next days atm no time sry. Make something new in both, to synchronize it . regards bluedxca93
Yes, this boxes. When you have time - of course. Thank you!
Done. hope download works. Yes you can use this theme on as much pcs as you want etc.. The only restriction is not redestributing it over internet.and those by CC BY NC ND .
Nice job! thank you very much! Not distributing - only using for myself.
We'll enjoy within the boundaries of Fair Use.
Has a 7ish feel to it and a personality of its own at the same time. Very pleasant to the eye.
Definitely a very promising theme. Like it.
Well, just did a distro evaluation and reached the arguable conclusion that Ubuntu Mate and Mint Mate/Cinnamon are the best choices. Unless one doesn't have other things to do in life than thinkering about the OS. Just an opinion (to be taken with a pincha salt). Regards.
xfce+compiz too. Do just add unity support, but it does run better on mint 18. Cinn7+this gtk3 theme would be perfect.
I agree to that.
Yup, sure is a splendid theme. I'll keep an eye on it.