please visit official Enlightenment forum to get the theme and post your comments:
I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused.
P.S. 'download' link will bring you to the forum page. Don't even bother to press it

Ratings & Comments
OK, finally got it downloaded. Konqueror doesn't handle redirects from e17-stuff well so I usually right-click -> Open with Firefox. Doesn't work with rapidshare though :-( Seems to always think something else is downloading a file from the same IP. Konqueror works fine though, go figure :-) Nice theme, interesting how you tried a completely new layout - most entrance themes seem to just change the background, colours, and shape of the display widgets. It's not my taste - I prefer the dark themes like Black and darkrevolution, but I can see this one would appeal to many. Well executed too, so well done and thanks for all your hard work in all these many and varied e17 themes!
RapidShare is problematic for users who want to download your stuff - I'm sure you are already aware of this. Might I suggest using SourceForge or GoogleCode to host projects?
yep, you're right. i'll try to fix this after themepack completion, also hope that all of the stuff will be sooner or later available at:
Google code provides a svn repository, you can use it while producting. Don't wait until finish.