gel window decoration

KDE 3.x Window Decorations

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Another window decoration. Made with gimp and decgen. Thanks.

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good pepole are all around us, dont get your hopes down :)


no worries ;)


Don't care. I like your windows decoration.




I don't personally care for this deco but I can see how others would like it. I would however like to thank you for your time and encourage you to keep creating these themes because most likely you'll make one I like. Thank you for your time.


Thanks, truth is I don't care for this one very much myself. However I did spend time to make it and although it didn't turn out like I wanted it to I figured I might as well make it available. I will probably never use it, but maybe someone will.


ok, im starting to think that decgen is a big mistake.


Did someone force you to download and use this? I would hate for you to be forced to use something you don't want to, it would be tragic.


how so? by providing the graphics artists software (with support, ask poot ;) ) to get some of their creativity out? i fail to see how that hurts us. i for one would like some more choices than plastik, baghira, knifty, and the alloys, the other decos are sorely lacking in my mind. if you think something is a mistake maybe you should try and improve it or perhaps, i don't know, sort of off the cuff here, explain why?


I agree that it is important to provide tools such as decgen so that people who couldn't otherwise contribute material that requires programming can now release new things. And it is also very nice for someone to provide support as maitre has generously done for me via e-mail. Just because someone doesn't care for the work of one person doesn't render an entire tool useless. Perhaps if some more people took the time to contribute some windecs we would all be able to find one that we enjoy. Maybe my contributions don't please many people, but they are made to encourage others to do the same. I have to agree completely that it is getting old having to use plastic, keramik, etc. While I watch inferior OS users have thousands of choices. You do have the freedom not to participate, but if you aren't going to why add your 2 cents of sarcasm?


i agree. windeco generators took more creativity away then gave. yes, i don't see much creativity in moving buttons few pixels here or there or making them more square or more rounded. don't get it wrong, i appreciate work people put into projects like this one a lot. but it pains me to see them thinking this is the only way to be 'creative'. after some searching i've found only two projects i call really creative - B2 and Fitz. hundreds variants of MSwindows deco, and only two projects trying to be more then a mere graphical redesign. few others dying due to lack of interest compared to, say, enlightenment's decos, it's sad.


Not sure how you feel that it takes creativity away. If I am correct the windecos you are talking about require quite a bit more coding skills. Decgen simply provides some of us who cannot code with a way to contribute some new things. And although mine may seem similar to you in some way to another deco, I assure you that it is made by me in gimp, no cut and paste at all. To me, more options for everyone will always be a good thing.


i can only repeat what i say very often when it comes to kwin windecos - look at enlightenment to see usable windowmanager. several styles, each suited for specific purpose. and diferent in each theme. compared to that kwin decos here on kdelook are boring and uncreative - just zilion ordinary mswindows-alike decos with changed graphics. and that's why i don't like decgen.


The glass is half full. The glass is half full. The glass is half full..........

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version 0.1
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