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A port of the Alysseum suite of window decorations from the other side.

This package is for the Citron decoration.

Thanks to ^^Gabriel for porting permission.
Last changelog:

Defaulted to a KDE logo provided by Gabriel.
(stop whining now - old version still included)

Uses decgen 0.3.

Ratings & Comments



very nice theme. I don't mind windows logo


Thanks for reminding me all Linux users aren't knee-jerk reactionaries.


It's not that it's a bad theme, because that it most definitely is not. It's just that it's kind of counter-culture to be using Linux and an open source DE with a Microsoft Windows logo on your window manager. I mean, even themes that mimic those in Windows aren't as counter-culture as the Windows logo on your DE. A theme is subjective and I have no issues with people using Windows-looking themesm, but plastering a Windows logo just doesn't make sense since it's not even Windows! I thought it was a great theme until I saw the Windows logo at the far left of the window manager. Kind of like a famous painting with the artist's name misspelled. It's not a kneejerk response. It's just that Microsoft, the Microsoft logo, and other MS trademarks have nothing to do with what Linux and other open source projects are all about. Hence, counter-culture.


Couldn't disagree more my friend. Linux is about choice. The term counterculture applies absolutely no value to this window decoration. Whether or not its a bad window decoration (it's not a theme, we have styles (qstyle.h?) not themes) has nothing to do with the comments. How does a sine-like logo affect your use of a nice window decoration? Actually, rather than even responding to this post, post a window decoration of your own, however crappy, however logo'd, I don't care. My point in releasing this was that _I_ liked it, _I_ got permission to port it, and _I_ wanted to share it. I'm beginning to understand with each passing month why Mosfet left our community.


i guess there will always be someone finding something to complain about, and i for once find this project extremly usefull and NEEDED ;), one thing though i would like to ask, why r u embeding the images into the code and not just load tham from some dir? well i know it's slower but i dont think u gonna feal the difference, the thing is that i dont think that for a gimper to make those windec its such atrivial task... anyhow i would like to encourage to keep on:) BTW would u mind telling me why does mosfet left the community


Thanks for your words motyR. To the question of why I don't read images instead of integrating them. I've personally found it very useful to have the engine at hand to hack a bit. For instance, with the Alyssem decoration, I stripped out drawing the application icon and disabled the checkbox within it's configuration. I of course wouldn't have been able to do that without the engine available. Of course I welcome improvements to decgen and even forks that would implement what you say, but to date, I've created 15 or so window decorations with it and the community has created a few, but only one was released (OpusOS). I included more documentation than a number of other projects and I'm more than willing to provide assistance, but adoption has just been slow. In all honesty, looking at the sig with the quote by Fyodor, I've always just wanted to give back to the F/OSS community through Den-4 ( and my own contributions. And it's pretty absurd to look at the way themers / graphics artists / and programmers are treated within the Windows and Apple communities, and then come to the *nix community and see the way contributors are treated. It's always been a fairly negative experience. In my three years or so with KDE and my contributions to Linux in general, I can count on two hands the number of people I've had _good_ discourse with, thomas of Baghira fame had been helpful, a number of people with tiblit when I was working that... you get the picture. Thanks for listening. :) Oh and google, "mosfet leave linux community" and see what turns up. :(


Wow, that's a lot of Re:. In any event, I would like to say a few things about all of this. First, I would like to say that I believe all contributions are good contributions, afterall nobody is forcing anyone to use anything. It is nice to have options available. Second, I would like to thank everyone who takes the time and effort to give something back. It is a very selfless act since linux users aren't very grateful on a whole, and most of them are hyper-critical. Lastly, on the topic of the windeco generator. I think it is a great idea, something I have waited quite some time for. I do honestly appreciate the effort and thought that went into it. Unfortunately though I haven't been able to succesfully build anything with it. I admit I haven't been able to try the updated version yet, so maybe it is easier now. I think maybe not quite as many windecos are being generated as you may think, and perhaps that is why little is being released. The download page specifies that you need to only have good gimp skills, but I think it is a little more difficult than that. I do plan to spend some time with it after I get my box back in order after a revamp. If I get a working windec be assured I will release mine. Thanks for the hard work, some of us do appreciate it.


Looks very nice but can you take out the Windows logo in it? Kinda ruins it. I would use them but that logo....


I agree, this winblows logo KILLS YOUR THEME, please remove


READ THE DESCRIPTION. It's a port. If you can't look passed the freaking squigly sine-like upper left corner, don't use it. You're not hurting my feelings by not using it _believe_ me.


I am sure many people would apreciate it if you posted the different styles of "Alysseum" as one window decoration, with three downloads. GJ though...


Can't. Can't upload more than one file per submission.


Put them all in a tar-ball then...


Oh boy... ...that would make it approximately 2 MB and over the 750 upload limit.


Hmm... Oups... =) //Logge

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version 0.1
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