To install it on your Debian box go to:
and follow the instruction. Then, to install the package type:
apt-get install kwin-decor-fahrenheit
Or use dselect (or other frontend) and browse my repository for other KDE themes, splashes and goodies...
All bugs and issues related to the theme/style shall be reported to its original author. Debian package issues shall be reported to me.

Ratings & Comments
6 Comments doesn't exist
Looks good, but I'm wondering if this works with KDE 3.3? I installed it with apt-get, and it shows as installed, but I don't see it when I look in Control Center > Appearances and Themes > Window Decorations. It's not in the drop down list.
I think that this score goes for the package nor the windeco, don't you think?, anyway, i think that the score has to be higher because the effort of the packager ;) !
I guess this site needs a .deb,.rpm & .,tgz category then eh? Forget about the look of the theme! Rate how well it was packaged!
This one really does need more score! I would say 90% good!
Can't understand why the score is so bad for this entry. I love this window deco and Debian also is a great distribution... so, keep up the good work! red