Main features:
* The style grabs your wallpaper and uses it as the deco background. It has several blending modes, i.e. it can fade the background into the defined title bar color, or it can brighten or darken the wallpaper, as well as blur the source image to simulate glass.
* Choose the blending color of the buttons.
* You can define the title bar height and border size of the windows.
* Right click on minimize button toggles shade mode.
* Middle click on minimize button sends window to below.
* Double click on program symbol closes window.
* Support for button themes. Basic button theme is included, feel free to swamp me with cool themes.
* Can show a tooltip of the caption
* Mouse-wheel on the title bar to 'scroll' to all opened windows of the same desktop.
* If kdocker is installed (, right click on close button will send the window to the systemtray.
- Crystal needs KDE >=3.2 and QT>=3.2.
- May be very slow and memory consuming
- Don't forget to breathe, while drooling.
-- INSTALL ---------------------
Basic Installation (from the console):
- Step 1
$ ./configure
OR: $ ./configure --prefix=`kde-config --prefix`
- Step 2
$ make
- Step 3 (as root)
# make install
If you installed crystal while it was running, you need to restart kwin to use the updated version: kwin --replace
Crystal in common distributions:
- Kubuntu: Crystal is the default decoration since 6.06
- Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kwin-style-crystal
- Gentoo: emerge -a x11-themes/crystal
- Fedora: yum install crystal
- Debian: apt-get install kwin-style-crystal
- openSUSE: install from repository
- FreeBS

- Mandriva: urpmi kwin-style-crystal
For KDE 4.x port see:
Source can also be found on GitHub:
Sascha Hlusiak
Ratings & Comments
I just got ubuntu yesterday and am completely clueless how to get crystal. I tried to follow the instructions, but am not really sure what I did wrong. help me please!
...coming to KDE4? I DESPERATELY want the transparent x11 theme!!
Use Compiz Fusion and Emerald?
KDE4 does not support pseudo-transparenccy, that's why the creation of pseudo-transparent theme is not possible. I would like to be this function in KDE4 implemented.
Hi and thanks for this beautiful and highly customizable decoration. I was wondering how I can include my own button theme. I already have the png files, I put them in the pics folder, I change the two makefiles in the pics directory to include my theme but when I install it, I do not see my theme listed in the buttons configurations. Can you please give me some guidelines on what I need to change to include my button theme? Thanks in advance. Btw, I am interested in this theme:
I have been reading the README you have in the pics dir but i cannot find any "themes" variable in the
For any Gentoo users, the x11-themes/crystal ebuild in the main Portage tree is still at version 1.0.2. I maintain an ebuild for the current version in my overlay which can be found at: Cheers.
Hi. first of all: this windeco is really great. Now the question: On the third screenshot, there's a tool on the right site of your desktop. Something like a system monitor. Whats the name of this app and where can I get it? Thanks kind regards, Sebastian
That is gkrellm:
It's gkrellm
I'm using your theme for about ~3(?) years now, and i just wanna tell you that this windows decoration + Qtcurve theme is still an unbeaten combo.
kdecore was added, that's good. But also you need to link against -lDCOP -lkdefx.
Deep Thought!
Could you please include in your next release the buttons from: Thank you very much in advance. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for this cute windeco, although I don't activate transparency; I use it for it's usability improvements (together with good looking buttons, of course). My suggestion is that maximized windows be border-less, so that menu button, close button, scrollbar and possibly other windows elements be immediately next to screen borders. It makes it _much_ easier to hit them with the mouse.
Already possible. Just check the checkbox somewhere in the window settings, category "moving", "allow moving of maximized windows".
Awesome! Thanks.
could the logo be aligned to right respect the right border/button instead the rightest letter? Like when you alignt the logo and the title at right, but keeping the title aligned at left.
is there any KDE4-port yet? Lukas
Nope, that's not trivial and so I did not even start yet. And since KDE 4.0 is no production quality and not meant for end users anyway, I don't hurry. But it's on my todo list.
Ok, thx for the response :)
I released a development snapshot of the KDE4 port of this decoration. It has several regressions but I try to add some features back. Feedback is welcome, in case you want to test it.
how would one install this if he doesn't have root access?
Is the wallpaper in the screenshots included in the download??
No. You can get it here: