-- berlin underground (or sth similar) icons;
-- a couple of other icons found somwhere i can't remember;
-- dark Crimson colour scheme.

-- wallpaper 1280x1024 with an image of Saturn; //it is strongly recommended!
-- "Minimalist" SuperKaramba theme;
-- ChromeClock SuperKaramba theme.
all "not included" stuff can be found here at www.kde-look.org
download and unpack somewhere the zipball;
move the .kth file and the directory in your "/home/your_user/.kde/apps/kthememanager/themes/" directory.
and then select the theme from your theme manager.
tested on Kubuntu hoary 5.04.
it *should* work. please TELL IF IT DOESN'T!
Ratings & Comments
found it--finally!! http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=24957
please make sure that the .kth file and the directory have the same name! they should be: CrimsonColourSaturn //directory CrimsonColourSaturn.kth //the KDE theme file if the names are different, please rename before moving to the indicated directory. also, I said I tested with my Kubuntu, so the path to the directory could not be the same in other distributions ^^ enjoy and please comment! --i do not take over any merit: I only mixed pre-existing stuff--