Polyester Kubuntu Edgy/Dapper package
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
It replaces the official dapper kde-style-polyester package but not the package located at http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=37209. If you have that package you must uninstall it first or it will create conflicts with my package.
Updated to 1.0 final.
Updated to 1.0RC1.
Updated to 1.0Beta2 and compiled for Edgy. As in Edgy there's only beta 1 package, I've numbered this package so it can upgrade the official one. Unfortunately, it breaks with my last dapper numeration so if you want to install it in Dapper, you have to remove the old package first.
Updated to version 1.0Beta1.
To have a smooth transition to 1.0 final, I will name beta releases as 1.0-0.X releases and the 1.0 final as 1.0-1 release
Ratings & Comments
...from the original?
if you mean by "originial" the official package.... ...then the original is packaged properly, and not just a poor checkinstall rape which I wouldn't install even if my life would depend on it!
No I mean the official dapper kde-style-polyester package. What makes this one different from that one?
Would you mind creating a package for Kubuntu Dapper amd64? I tried already, but had no luck... so I've been forced to use version 6.1... :( I'll be glad if you can do that! Thanks in advance
Sorry, I don't have an amd64 machine. I created it with checkinstall. It's easy if you know how to compile from sources.
as usual i've placed a link to this page on polyester entry, if you don't mind
I've always loved this theme, good luck