Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Ratings & Comments
Hello, I want to test your theme but the link for download is dead. Can you give an another link please if the project is always active. Thank's.
How about using http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Just+Vista?content=59013 instead of Kickoff
hmmmm...it looks great. I will test it ;)
Hi all! ;) Anfourtunetly wallpaper is not mine :) I was writing that in readme file ;) http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Kubista+Wallpaper+White?content=61018 Please contact with author ;) Regards
thank you, cool theme
I really like this theme, it's a pleasant change for my desktop. Too bad the wallpaper and kmenu are Kubuntu specific though :( Could you release this wallpaper without the Kubuntu name and logo? Or if you have to have a logo, how about a KDE logo instead? Cheers. LocoMojo
"Could you release this wallpaper without the Kubuntu name and logo? Or if you have to have a logo, how about a KDE logo instead?" Yes, same ask from here. It would be nice if good wallpapers and other ideas would come without spesific distro-tags in them so all other KDE users could use them.
Could you release this wallpaper without the Kubuntu name and logo? Please? Pretty please with sugar on top? I've got this wallpaper on my Slackware box and if my Slacker buddies come over and see this they'll burn me at the stake for blasphemy. We can't have that, can we? :) LocoMojo
@ leviatan Try it Now :) @ Zeroangels Thank You for SubVista core -Great Work ;)
This theme is werry werry nice and colorful. And i'm flattered that you have based your emerald theme off of SubVista. FYI, I have also created a new emerald theme which is based off of yours which was based off of mine, which was based off of Leonard Sangari's theme. Amusing neh?
please upload in other hosting, the present host is as a problems thanks you (sorry, my english is bad)