Description: The preview is at low resolution ... This file was created in The GIMP ... optimum resolution for printing on CDs or DVDs is 1024x1024 for an excellent impression ...
Megaupload 2 diferent link's & Geocities
Version 1.2
Edubuntu 8.10 Desktop & Server Edition
Version 1.1
Super Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex 8.10 DVD
Version 1.0
Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex 8.10 32 bit Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex 8.10 64 bit Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex 8.10 Server Kubuntu Intrepid Ibex 8.10 32 bit Kubuntu Intrepid Ibex 8.10 64 bit Xubuntu Intrepid Ibex 8.10 32 bit Xubuntu Intrepid Ibex 8.10 64 bit Ubuntu Studio Intrepid Ibex 8.10 DVD
Coming soon... Green and Free and giraffe very powerful
Super Ubuntu is a distro based on Ubuntu but with all the useful things that do not bring Ubuntu as normal:
* Adobe Reader 8.1.3
* aMule 2.2.2
* aMSN 0.97.2
* Autopackage 1.2.5
* compizconfig-settings-manager (to configure the settings of Compiz and the desktop effects)
* EnvyNG (command line version)
* Furius ISO Mount
* GParted 0.3.8
* GIMP 2.6.2
* gufw (GUI for uncomplicated firewall) 0.20.6
* MPlayer (media player)
* NDISwrapper and ndisgtk
* 3
* Opera (web browser) 9.62
* padevchooser (the graphical interface for PulseAudio)
* RealPlayer 11
* SFS Technology
* Smart Package Manager 1.1.1
* Skype
* StartUp-Manager 1.9.11
* Mozilla Thunderbird
* ubuntu-restricted-extras (Java runtime environment, codecs, MP3 support, support for DVD-video, flash player...)
* Ubuntu Tweak 0.4.0
* VLC Media Player 0.9.4
* Wine 1.1.8
* Wine-Doors 0.1.2
* Zero Install 0.3.6-1
Felicidades por el ArtWork, a veces es dicifil conseguir de estas etiquetas. Desafortunadamente no pude descargarlas por los límites de geocities y de rapidshare y megaupload, pero seguiré intentando.
Hi , the labels are very nice, but i have a problem with lightscribe labeling , the big Ibex on left side is too big it is better to make i smaller or remove this.
thanks so lot
I should say, none of the download links are working for me. The Megaupload one isn't working, the Rapidshare one has reached some sort of limit, and the yahoo ones give a 503 error. If you've already done DVD and CD cases, just ignore what I said :P
Extraño a mi si me descarga las imagenes ... a mi solo me da el error con iceweasel de ahi con Firefox normal con Epiphani igual y con Konquerror tambien ... relativamente extraño.
Alguna sugerencia para poder subir los archivos a otro servidor? o alguine que me quiera ayudar prestandome espacio en algun servidor privado.
Strange to me if I download the images ... I just gives me the error of there with iceweasel with Firefox with normal Epiphanie Konquerror with equal and also ... relatively strange.
Any suggestion to be able to upload the files to another server? alguine or that I want to help provide server space somewhere private.
Ya solucione el problema aunque me toco cortar el archivo en dos partes :( pero si vuelve a fallar me avisan ok :) aunque no creo, porque esta vez esta desde mi espacio privado en geoc... ya sabrán verdad no hay que hacerle publicidad de gratis... también lo he vuelto a Subir a Rapidshare y he hecho el torrent para descargarlo
And solve the problem but I play to cut the file into two parts: (but if you fail to warn me ok:) but I do not think, because this time this from my private space in Geocad ... you will know there is no truth to make advertising for free ... I have also returned to Rise to rapidshare and I have to download the torrent
Cuando quieras que te mande el archivo para GIMP solo mandame tu mail. y con gusto te lo envio :) por eso le puse licencia GPL para compartirlo con todos ustedes :)
Ratings & Comments
These images worked really well for Lightscribe media (Had to invert the colors on the blue one to make it decent however) Great work =)
What's been updated...? This always shows up on the frontpage everyday as updated......
the address for download since they do not count on an account premiun in Megaupload or Geocities is the page
Really great but, ehm..., what's "Super Ubuntu"? :D
Super Ubuntu is a distro based on Ubuntu but with all the useful things that do not bring Ubuntu as normal: * Adobe Reader 8.1.3 * aMule 2.2.2 * aMSN 0.97.2 * Autopackage 1.2.5 * compizconfig-settings-manager (to configure the settings of Compiz and the desktop effects) * EnvyNG (command line version) * Furius ISO Mount * GParted 0.3.8 * GIMP 2.6.2 * gufw (GUI for uncomplicated firewall) 0.20.6 * MPlayer (media player) * NDISwrapper and ndisgtk * 3 * Opera (web browser) 9.62 * padevchooser (the graphical interface for PulseAudio) * RealPlayer 11 * SFS Technology * Smart Package Manager 1.1.1 * Skype * StartUp-Manager 1.9.11 * Mozilla Thunderbird * ubuntu-restricted-extras (Java runtime environment, codecs, MP3 support, support for DVD-video, flash player...) * Ubuntu Tweak 0.4.0 * VLC Media Player 0.9.4 * Wine 1.1.8 * Wine-Doors 0.1.2 * Zero Install 0.3.6-1
Ah, okay. Thanks. Doesn't sound so "super" to me ;-p
Sorry I did not put the name ... was all decisions of the hackers recompiled Project
yes, yes... nice... i still voted bad because it gets updated like 2-3 times a day with no noticeable changes and no changelog...
when you update the update addresses and download rapidshare megaupload so that more people download it
Felicidades por el ArtWork, a veces es dicifil conseguir de estas etiquetas. Desafortunadamente no pude descargarlas por los límites de geocities y de rapidshare y megaupload, pero seguiré intentando.
ya lo puedes bajar he creado 4 links diferentes en mega upload para que todo el mundo lo baje
Hi , the labels are very nice, but i have a problem with lightscribe labeling , the big Ibex on left side is too big it is better to make i smaller or remove this. thanks so lot
Just tell me where you want and shipping without the ibex :) you can do for a lightscribe sorry for my bad English
I love these CD labels. Are you going to make DVD jackets or CD case inserts too?
I should say, none of the download links are working for me. The Megaupload one isn't working, the Rapidshare one has reached some sort of limit, and the yahoo ones give a 503 error. If you've already done DVD and CD cases, just ignore what I said :P
Español: Extraño a mi si me descarga las imagenes ... a mi solo me da el error con iceweasel de ahi con Firefox normal con Epiphani igual y con Konquerror tambien ... relativamente extraño. Alguna sugerencia para poder subir los archivos a otro servidor? o alguine que me quiera ayudar prestandome espacio en algun servidor privado. English: Strange to me if I download the images ... I just gives me the error of there with iceweasel with Firefox with normal Epiphanie Konquerror with equal and also ... relatively strange. Any suggestion to be able to upload the files to another server? alguine or that I want to help provide server space somewhere private.
I just tried the Megaupload link again, and it worked. I guess I was just on the wrong end of a weird bug...
Just one word... bravo !!!
I have got to say they are the mutts nuts!
Sir, you have done an outstanding job here! These labels are extremely high quality. My hat's off to you.
Thanks Friend
Looks great, but can't download cause rapidshare have removed it. Could you upload it again? If you torrent, I'll seed. Alex
Español: Ya solucione el problema aunque me toco cortar el archivo en dos partes :( pero si vuelve a fallar me avisan ok :) aunque no creo, porque esta vez esta desde mi espacio privado en geoc... ya sabrán verdad no hay que hacerle publicidad de gratis... también lo he vuelto a Subir a Rapidshare y he hecho el torrent para descargarlo English: And solve the problem but I play to cut the file into two parts: (but if you fail to warn me ok:) but I do not think, because this time this from my private space in Geocad ... you will know there is no truth to make advertising for free ... I have also returned to Rise to rapidshare and I have to download the torrent
Cuando quieras que te mande el archivo para GIMP solo mandame tu mail. y con gusto te lo envio :) por eso le puse licencia GPL para compartirlo con todos ustedes :)