Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Just finish what started few days ago.
New Glossy eye kbfx-button..this time without any kind of text
The second is a bonus..called "Ambra-Trapped" 'cause remind me ancient trapped bugs..lol
Size is about 144x40 px..so is standard for many people
Totally made with Inkscape 0.44
tnx for kbfx.org support and all kbfx-designers
for second button a special tnx to Pigeon for great wasp icon..available here-->http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=42123
enjoy Last changelog:
New Glossy eye kbfx-button..this time without any kind of text
The second is a bonus..called "Ambra-Trapped" 'cause remind me ancient trapped bugs..lol
Size is about 144x40 px..so is standard for many people
Totally made with Inkscape 0.44
tnx for kbfx.org support and all kbfx-designers
for second button a special tnx to Pigeon for great wasp icon..available here-->http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=42123
Previous kbfx-eye available here
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