greyscale kbfx buttons
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
greyscale kbfx buttons for mandriva, suse and one with tux for use with any other distros. Kicker's size needs to be set to "normal" for the buttons to look good.
The Suse button is from Revalines artwork. The kicker background is called glass from http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=24788 . The color scheme is called linmans and is available somewhere on this site. Last changelog:
The Suse button is from Revalines artwork. The kicker background is called glass from http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=24788 . The color scheme is called linmans and is available somewhere on this site.
No updates, just moving it to the right section.
Ratings & Comments
dude .. where did u get that background ?? amazing!
I got it from http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/3490527/ .
we know that's liquid weather++ but the sysinfo's name?
Its called cynapses and its available in the karamba section.
I love the buttons. Where did you get the background? I tried the www.soverload.com, but it seems to be down. Thanks!
I got it from deviantart.com. Search for "emensity".
By the way, what's the name of the System Monitor, you're using? THX, freshjive
I am using Liquid weather++ and Cynpases. Liquid weather++ is using the cynapses skin.
when adding the button. how do u set the width. as when i have set the button to something else it gets squashed up..
You can log out of your session and back in again or resize kicker to normal size.
tried that doesnt work. can you go through how you set this up. as i have done it with smaller buttons, but with this button it squashes up from left to right. (horizontal)
I simply drag and drop it on top of a kbfx button thats already in use and edit the panel preferences (kicker) so that its normal size. Can you post a screenshot somewhere so that I get a better idea of your problem. For a nicer appearance, you may also need to disable applet handles in the panel.
hi thanks for that info. didnt know you could do that. still quite new. if you drag and drop. what next? how do u tell it what to do?
After you drag and drop, then resize the panel, there shouldn't be anything alse to do.If you change the panel size thoug, it will look wierd because the buttons are not resizeable.
That FF Icon, how did you set FF to have that fox instead of the default? I have been looking for a way to set icons or make an icon theme.
I used the Firefox icon from here http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=26043. I didn't change the default icon, I just created a launcher for firefox and then selected the icon I wanted from the ones I downloaded from this site to use with the launcher. Depending on how you installed firefox, you can make an icon and name it firefox.png and copy it to /usr/share/icons, /usr/share/pixmaps or your firefox directory and that should change the firefox icon globally.
Are you the same RedShirt from LQ?
Yes, I am the same. Okay, see that is exactly what is throwing me, I have no way of selecting the icon when I make a new link to application(launcher.) So, how do you go about that?
When you create a new launcher or edit an existing one, there is usually an icon of a KDE gear or a preset application icon. Click on that and you will get a dialogue box that will enable you to select a different icon for your launcher. My LQ username is reddazz.
Oh, you mean that big obvious icon looking guy, huh? Shoot, didn't realize it was a button, thought it was a preview.