Description: This is heavily based on, Versuri Style 1.0. I just added a gentoo logo, and translated some things to english. Also changed a bug where your ip address wouldn't display. Also changed mount points according to my needs. I hope someone likes it, comments are welcome.
This command ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet ' | cut -d : -f2 | cut -d ' ' -f2 left nothing behind, so i put the last one to f1. At least that was in my case, maybe with someone else it will leave behind the ip address with something else, because the output is not always the same. Like some addresses don't have a broadcast or something else. Thnx for your command! I hope you will include the gentoo in your next releases :)
Ratings & Comments
the new comand of IP: sensor=program program=" |cut -d : -f2"
Thank you for including the Gentoo. Which bug of the IP?
This command ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet ' | cut -d : -f2 | cut -d ' ' -f2 left nothing behind, so i put the last one to f1. At least that was in my case, maybe with someone else it will leave behind the ip address with something else, because the output is not always the same. Like some addresses don't have a broadcast or something else. Thnx for your command! I hope you will include the gentoo in your next releases :)