Description: My First Karambabar. I build it up with Umicons Icons, because they're my favourite. The Bar got 2 Buttons for Virt. Desktopswitching, XMMS Controll, HD Status,Networkmonitor, Clock and a LogOut Button.
Next Time i will put in a scrolling Title for XMMS.
To start it @ logon make a link in your ~/.kde/Autostart with karambar 'pathtofileandfilename' Don't forget to configure the *.theme for your Box. If any Help needed ask...
A Question:
Does somebody know, where i could get the DCOP Calls for the Kicker and for KNotes, because i tried to put the Menues for Knotes in, but it wont work ?
Greetz to SpiritOfTigers and THX for beeing a Good Friend over the Long TimeLast changelog:
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