Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
konvenience is a tool, which should help you to cook every kind of meal, which needs some time in the oven, on the cooker or even in the fridge. It mainly provides something like a egg-timer, but there are many other features. konveniece has a defacto database, this means it saves data with the "pickle" modul, provided by python. This allows you to choose of several types of meals and even edit them. konveniece also logs every meal you cooked and so you can display complex statistics. It uses PyQt, but in later releases also some features from PyKDE will be used. The idear for this application is very old. It is similar to KTeaTime. I first thought about doing something like this when i was programming a "4 Gewinnt" AI game in old Delphi days. I took a pizza in the oven, and went on programming, 5 houres.... Do you know that this pizzas can form a black and hard pipe?
This is a very early release, the most basic functions are already included, but there is still much work to do. As you can see on the screenshots, konvenience doesn't look very pretty yet. This is mainly because i am only able to do some basics with Inkscape. So what konvenience needs are graphics, but not only for the interface. konvenience displays the progress of the cook process through 13 pixmaps (200*200). This is the blue/red circle in the screenshots. So if you are in the mood to create any graphics which shows any meal, i will include it (you have the artistic freedom). If you want do contribute, send me an email to , or post something here. The same with bug reports. Last changelog:
This is a very early release, the most basic functions are already included, but there is still much work to do. As you can see on the screenshots, konvenience doesn't look very pretty yet. This is mainly because i am only able to do some basics with Inkscape. So what konvenience needs are graphics, but not only for the interface. konvenience displays the progress of the cook process through 13 pixmaps (200*200). This is the blue/red circle in the screenshots. So if you are in the mood to create any graphics which shows any meal, i will include it (you have the artistic freedom). If you want do contribute, send me an email to , or post something here. The same with bug reports.
-first release at kde-look.org
-only minor changes from pre0
-the sk widget is now redrawn when changes are made, no auto update with an interval.
-first test, no release, many work is already done.
Ratings & Comments
1 Comment
TYPO: "Delte" should be "Delete". Nothing major. I'm just a grammar snob. Cool widget, though. :)