It is also very early version, i will improve it in few days.
Please comment, what is good and what is bad. Thanks for feedback.
Yours Ricardo
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
0.6 mini version added
Ratings & Comments
I have to say i have stopped improving this my theme, and i have done http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=31650. So I don't know what i will done with rouned debian. I think i will let it be in way it is. So if you liked rounded deb. watch link above and if not, maybe you will like bubble system more.
it looks like flowers :) with the various sizes... I love it ;)
Could you make a version of it with the SimplyMEPIS logo instead?
If i will find that logo, i will make a version with it tomorrow at night.
I definitely love the design but as in aero-g, the problem is that it takes lots of space on the desktop to have all these circles... Well, after all, this is a problem that depends of the wallpaper... However, not bad at all !
then don't use it and don't comment on it.
what's your problem man ? The comments are for the author... it is feedback ! Moreover I consider it's not fair to download something and don't leave any comment about it ! it maybe wasn't the most constructive feedback ever... but I haven't seen anywhere a "constructive comments only" label ! go and get yourself a valium !
I think you should take a valium man. You're sitting here saying there is a problem with what this person has created. There isn't really a problem, some people like having little cute superkarmaba circles all over their desktop that are brilliantly designed. like my mother says, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it
Both of you should stay cool. I must say shanodyn make me think, when he say that "it takes lots of space on the desktop to have all these circles", idea come on my mind, and i have done small-sized ones. So end of story should be: Do not put shame on oneself who is giving feedback.
thank you ricardo ;) by the way i wasn't saying it's the most ugliest thing i've ever seen i loved the design but just a little smaller is perfect... aren't we a community making things to please ourselves and the others at the same time ? if a small modification in a theme can make it fit for one more person why not discuss the idea with the author ? and, i never give feedback on something i hate because i don't think my opinion is universal and i think there is no use to put down somebody's work because i know everybody here spends time on their productions... and by the way i'm not a "man" ;)
Shanodyn, your words should be written on gold desk and put somewhere, where all people can see them.