Description: Basically I just borrowed/stole luismml's idea, and made the mac bar for 1280x1024 resolutions, and tried to make it a media type bar for xmms. It displays song title, time left, and uses karambas abiltiy to display the time remaining bar. Controls Xmms, and also has launchers for kmix, konqueror, easytag, and ksnapshot.
NOTE: I've included my gimp .xcf file too, so its easy to change the icons for you to suit your needs, and for people with better l33t skillz than me to work on. Edit the karamba .theme file to suit your needs as well.
IMPORTANT: This is probably only for 1280x1024 resolutions. Try it on others if you wish, but results will not be very pleasing.Last changelog:
I think the wallpaper is in the default wallpapers for kde 3.1.1
At least it is for me. Jus look in /usr/share/wallpapers or /usr/kdedirectory/share/wallpapers
Ratings & Comments
Hey! Very nice Desktop!! Where did you get the system tray in the lower right and how did you get rid of kicker?
i really love your desktop!!!!!!!! the mac media bar is nice and design
very nice desktop! where could i get these walllpaper?
I think the wallpaper is in the default wallpapers for kde 3.1.1 At least it is for me. Jus look in /usr/share/wallpapers or /usr/kdedirectory/share/wallpapers
Thank you and congratulations for such an elegant desktop!
thanks, i'm glad someone enjoys it.