Description: After a fairly disasterous first attempt, KISS is back. It should now work on every system. I just wanted a widget that only show stuff that changes (I know what my processor is!), and this is it. Enjoy and apologies to anyone who downloaded version 1. To get the IP address working... CLOSE THE THEME FIRST (or superkaramba goes nuts) Navigate to .kde/share/apps/superkaramba/themes/KISS... and right click kiss.theme. Choose Open with and select from the list your favourite editor (for example kwrite). Find the line program="/sbin/ifconfig wlan0 | grep 'inet ' | cut -d : -f2 | cut -d ' ' -f1" and change wlan0 to whatever your desired network device is (eth0, ppp0 etc). Save and restart the theme. You are done! If the cpu temp is not working find the line cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THM/temperature | grep 'temperature' | sed -e 's/.*: //' and try altering THM to THRM (I suspect my SuSE system is none standard).
It is a theme set called truenature, with bootsplash, wallpaper, kdm theme and got knows what else (even a karamba system monitor, but I prefer mine...). If you put truenature into the search box to the right it will list them all.
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can You tell me where You got Your wallpaper pls?
Check the downloads on this page.
It is a theme set called truenature, with bootsplash, wallpaper, kdm theme and got knows what else (even a karamba system monitor, but I prefer mine...). If you put truenature into the search box to the right it will list them all. :-)