SuperKaramba Mandrake 9.1 RPM

Karamba & Superkaramba

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This is SuperKaramba packaged as an RPM for Mandrake 9.1. Enjoy.

Look in Amusement -> Toys for the menu entry. You can also run superkaramba by hitting alt-f2 (in KDE) and typing it in the run box.

By the way, this doesn't include any themes. You need to download some the play around with SuperKaramba. Check the Karamba section on this site. It has tons.
Last changelog:

Version packaged is 0.32

Changes in 0.32:

Systray support! After overwhelming demand, I broke down and added systray support. I had to work around some nasty bugs in Qt and KDE so please let me know if anything is wrong.

To add a systray to your theme (only call this once):

karamba.createSystray(widget, x, y, h, w)

x,y is the location to display the systray.
h,w is the height and width to make the systray.

Obvious systray tips:

You can only have one systray in KDE! Close the systray applet on Kicker if you use a theme with a systray. Failure to do this will result in weird problems (different systrays will try to steal each other's icons).

Systray icons are 24x24, so make the height at least 24 and the length at least around 150 or so to allow room for enough systray icons. However, SuperKaramba should be smart enough to arrange the systray icons so they fit best. Thus, you could just as easily have a vertical systray by making the width 25 or so.

Other fixes:

Can now have themes on only certain desktops. Use the right-click menu to send a theme to a certain desktop or all desktops. This is thanks to a patch by chandan kudige. Thanks!

Stupid attachClickArea bugs should be fixed (hopefully). If you had the "cycling bug" with the liquid weather++ theme, please let me know if this fixes things.

Themes should load and move on the desktop slightly faster.

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All the download links I click on either give a 404, or something about the source file could not be read. Just letting ya know. cheers, -p0z3r


Adam, The link points to 0.31 still. Glad you fixed the "cycling bug". Matt


Still .31


Link fixed. Btw, I don't know if the cycling bug is fixed yet :) I hope someone can confirm that.


anyone got this working with python 2.3?


When is start SuperKaramba I select a theme. And then nothing happened? What does I have to do?


To all those above, this RPM is for Mandrake 9.1 only. It won't work in Mandrake 9.0 because KDE/QT is too old. The source probably won't work either. Upgrade to kde 3.1/qt 3.11 and it should work fine.


I tried installing the source and that also gave me some errors due to old automake and autoconf. I installed the newest automake and autoconf and I still get this error when running make: make[3]: *** [karamba.o] Error 1 make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/user/superkaramba-0.28/src' make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/user/superkaramba-0.28/src' make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/user/superkaramba-0.28' make: *** [all] Error 2 what's going on?


You didn't include the error message. You need to paste in the line above the first Error line so I can see what the error was :) Thanks.


Hi. I am running mandrake 9.0 and I installed the rpm you provided but when I type "superkaramba" at the command line I get this: superkaramba: relocation error: superkaramba: undefined symbol: static_QUType_varptr What is it? Thanks


Should this work with Mandrake 9.0? Because I didn't have any problems installing, but it doesn't do anything when I start it up.


oh, the command returns "superkaramba: relocation error: superkaramba: undefined symbol: static_QUType_varptr" which is apparantly a QT problem.


I love this program! Now I just have to start learning Python.


Clicking on the download link tried to download version 0.26?? Where is the 0.27 version?? -p0z3r


fixed. thanks for the info.


no problem. I ended up getting it from the superkaramba page itself. -p0z3r


urpmi complains about a bunch of missing Perl stuff (sorry, don't have the specifics). Any hints on where to get the required RPM's? If they were on the MKD9.1 CD's, urpmi would know about them, right?


Please post the output from rpm. There shouldn't be any perl dependencies. You can try rpm -Uvh superkaramba*25*rpm -nodeps in the mean time.


After installing the rpm, no menu entry was created in Amusement -> Toys. Also there doesn't appear to be any themes included. I assume a theme has to be installed before s.k. can be run?


I fixed the RPM problem. Feel free to download it now.


I'm interested in the specfile you used. Maybe other people too ... Anyway, could you make that specfile available? (Or make the src.rpm available, which would also make the specfile available.) Thanks in advance!


Sure, I can post the spec file and src.rpm files. But there is one slight problem. In my infinite stupidity I forgot to include superkaramba.desktop in the latest superkaramba release. So in the spec file I wrote today, I had to copy it in from some other place on my harddrive. That, of course, is dumb. You should be able to build the rpm files automatically with the original tar.gz and the spec file. So I can either wait until the next SuperKaramba release and post the fixed spec file that works or post the slightly hacked one now (it has just one stupid copy statement that shouldn't have to be in the spec file had I included the .desktop file in SuperKaramba 0.23). On a slightly related note, I'd like to include all the collected spec files for various distros in the source distribution of SK. If you have written one for some distro (or the equvilent for debian, etc), please send it to me. But please keep building packges though :) I just want the spec files in case someone wants to build custom rpms or something later on.


Please post the (slightly) hacked version. I'll have no problem working with it. I've been working on a specfile for RH 9 ... which was simple because I could start with DongCheon Park's neat specfile for karamba RH 9 / Mandrake 9.1 rpms. (My specfile might still work for Mandrake 9.1 but I can't test it!) And yes .. I hoped you would include a specfile in your tarball. In the best scenario rpms could be built with just: rpmbuild -ta superkarmaba....tar.gz (Not easy with all differences between distro's .. maybe not even possible!) Anyway, after you have posted your latest specfile- the slightly hacked version - I'll use it to 'update' my specfile and then send you my specfile. OK?


Once you've built a new RH9 RPM, mind releasing it here on the Look? I'd appreciate it mightily.


I'm not in the business of distributing (binary) rpm's. I wouldn't mind sending you my specfile (or posting it to the public) - on the contrary! But then you'll have to build your own rpm, which is actualy quite easy ... and - more important - fun to do too!! But first, I'll have to see what the specfile for Mandrake 9.1 looks like - just to make sure I didn't do something silly.

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version 0.32
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 0

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