Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
my mod is based on cynapses_karamba and frosmod,
+ uptime is now visible
+ cpu core voltage is now visible
+ cpu frequency is now invisible
+ used space on mount points is now visible in digital form
+ generic improvements were made
don't forget to change path to osinfo.sh!
(to take advantage of entire set of various functions You need: i2c, lm_sensors and hddtemp)
have fun with my tiny mod!
see U at www.aurox.org/support Last changelog:
+ uptime is now visible
+ cpu core voltage is now visible
+ cpu frequency is now invisible
+ used space on mount points is now visible in digital form
+ generic improvements were made
don't forget to change path to osinfo.sh!
(to take advantage of entire set of various functions You need: i2c, lm_sensors and hddtemp)
have fun with my tiny mod!
see U at www.aurox.org/support
+ important bugfix: stephane's patch applied - vcore bar works correctly now
+ polish and english version now available
+ package weight minimized to 52,2 kB
+ additional generic improvements
+ hdd temp. is now visible but U need hddtemp and hdd with SMART technology
+ further improvements
Ratings & Comments
great wallpaper, clear and nice
Could you please tell me the icon theme you are using? Txs
nuvola combined with icons from some gentoo site and umicons
Your theme calls on something to gather the information to display. What you don't do is state in your kde-look listing which of these your theme relies on. Mind doing that?