Scheduler for Superkaramba
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Check out the changelog to see what are the most recent changes.
This theme is a calendar with some basic scheduling capability.
Clicking (or double clicking if the theme position is not locked) on a date gives a menu through which you can add or delete existing entries for that date, or entries that recur on every weekday for that date or every year on that date. If you choose to remove entries another menu pops up which lists all entries of a given type for that day - selecting one of them will remove it. Dates that have something scheduled for them are highlited (except if the entry recurs on every weekday). Past days are also marked and weekends are grey. When you mouse over a date which has someting scheduled the entries appear in the upper left corner of the theme.
You can change the font and colors fairly easy. I put most of the parameters at the begining of the python script so you can play around with them. The font that I use can be found at www.dafont.com (Sveningsson) :
The colors are in the colorCode function. Superkaramba seems to have a bug and themes which are larger than about 550 pixels in x or y get a black background beyound this size so keep the calendar size smaller than this.
v0.5 - bugfixes:
- calendar coloring bugfix
- day selection bugfix (now when you click on a date it changes even when the edit menu is already displayed)
- background in minimized theme looks correct now
v0.4b - Fixed a bug that showed up in 2004.
I also changed the theme so that when you click on a date the edit menu changes to that date (previously you had to click outside of the theme and then inside the theme to change the date to edit which is annoying). Thanks to iviosl for pointing this out.
v0.4a - Fixed some bugs. The theme should work better now. Check the README for how to add alerts. KDE-look doesn't display the delimiters I use. You can also position the theme where you want it and the position won't be reset next time you start the theme. Pressing on the top of theme (the month line) shows only the current month on the left edge of the screen).
v0.4 - the theme displays properly now because of the bugfixes in Superkaramba 3.3 (or 3.2 I don't remember) the fonts also look consistent across different setups
- the to-do list and "show entries" calls are in the config menu now
- now you can change the year, either from the config menu or by clicking on the arrows on the calendar, clicking on the year at the botom of the calendar resets it to the current year.
this allows you to schedule arbitrary dates.
- you can set alerts for each entry by adding >>hhmm at the end of the entry where hh and mm
are the hour and minute for the alert (the alert will show a pop-up and sound a sound).
you can add the alert part only at the end
- you can switch the pop-up and sound alerts off from the config menu
- you can subtract dates by selecting "Subtract date..." from the menu
Ratings & Comments
It looks good, but I just wanna know how to keep this (any other) superkaramba theme below my other appz
I still don't know what's wrong. But this theme run well for every day of 2003 and since January 1st it crashes. And it kills all other running superkaramba themes. When I restart it I can see the background with nothing in it and it crashes whenever the mouse pointer touches the window. Is there a known bug? Otherwise I will try to get more information.
I still don't know what's wrong. But this theme run well for every day of 2003 and since January 1st it crashes. And it kills all other running superkaramba themes. I just came back from my vacation and noticed this. Regarding the fact that other themes go down with mine. If you start all your themes with a separate superkaramba call only my theme should crash and the other ones should work fine. Is there a known bug? Otherwise I will try to get more information. Now I know about it :). I guess I had to wait for the New Year to see it. I will try to fix this bug this weekend and update the theme since I am using it every day. I am glad somebody is using this theme since the rating seems to be tanking lately :). Happy New Year! Brana
Hi Brana, thank you for your fast reply and bugfix. It works for me after I made one more change: In line 131 of schedule.py is one small bug. There is 'May' between 'April' and 'June'. In your version you have 'March'. It's not critical but I had to change it ;-) Anyway - good work. I use the theme daily. And it helps me a lot.
There are problems if I reduce the font size. If I do it, all my clicks popup a menu for 31 December and not for the day I clicked.
There are problems if I reduce the font size. If I do it, all my clicks popup a menu for 31 December and not for the day I clicked. I was busy in December so I wasn't checking the comments. I'll look into this. Brana
This was not a problem of font size. Regardles of the font size if you just kept clicking on the theme it would remember the date of the first click as long as the edit menu stayed on the screen. I fixed this in the bugfix I just posted. Thanks for pointing this out. Brana
why is it that superkaramba applications are so incredibly slow? I'm using a pII 400MHz /w 512 MB ram, and this scheduler is quite slow. it takes a couple seconds to update the transparent background when it's moved about, or a month is focused on. it shouldn't be like that, since other KDE apps are extremely fast on this system.
Because you are trying to run KDE 3 on an PII 400.
Hi, congratulions for this marvelous theme!! it works great!!!! If you can update it, it would be cool to be able to make it disappear when we want
Thanks. You can minimize the theme (only the current month is shown at the left edge of the screen) if you click on the top of the theme (where the months names are) or if you click the middle mouse button.
I have seen the screenshots, it looks really great, but I have a problem. I uncompress the tar.gz in a folder of my home directory, when I start superkaramba and select the theme in the directory where is placed, it started but there isn't anything in the image, and when the cursor touch it, supercaramba crash and get the sygsegv signal. the error message from terminal is: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andres/tmp/karamba_scheduler/schedule.py", line 313, in initWidget entry_menu=karamba.createMenu(widget) AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'createMenu' Call to widgetUpdated failed
Unfortunately I think this is is either a superkaramba or python problem. A couple of themes I can't get to work on my machine at work even though they work perfectly on my computer at home (no error messages, no crashes). Both computers have SuSE 8.0 running and superkaramba 0.26 compiled. I am not sure what I did to python trying to get some karamba stuff to work (and I think this is the problem). One problem was reported in other superkaramba themes (one of the news or weather themes) and it has to do with the time module not loading properly. There is a patch for this that I could put in the main python script but the problem is that I also load the calendar module which also tries to load the time module so this doesn't work. From what you are saying though, it doesn't seem like you have this problem. The liquid weather theme does the same thing on my work computer. It loads doesn't display anything and crashes when moused over and I don't know why (I could post the error messages if somebody is interested in seeing them). If somebody know how to fix this mess I would appreciate the help. Thanks.
The weather theme works fine for me, I read a comment in the list where somebody said that he execute before start the theme, the python file in a terminal. now I'm doing this in that way. Firs of all, open a terminal where the python file is placed, type k_weather.py, to execute it, wait a little to give time to the server to answer, and when the server gives the data, then start superkaramba and select the theme.
This is what i get if i run from the command line. --------------- [raj ~/karamba_schedule]-> python schedule.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "schedule.py", line 5, in ? import karamba ImportError: No module named karamba -----------------------
You have to install superkaramba and run it with superkaramba schedule.theme You can get superkaramba here: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=5810&PHPSESSID=fc0e39447a2d5bc48426f99618ab2336
Ofcourse, I have superkaramba installed. In fact I am using "weather" theme and that works fine for me.
Ok, this is stranged.. I had to rebuild superkarmba to get this to work..
I Installed this theme today, and thoug it takes a lot of place in my 1024x768 Desktop, I will keep this scheduler. I think it is useful of being reminded of some Important Dates and Tasks, but I dont like and need a full extra calender programm. So very fine, this theme. Are more features planned? At last A question? Which parameter is the one to resize the popup-window? I would like it a bit smaller.. :)
I Installed this theme today, and thoug it takes a lot of place in my 1024x768 Desktop If you click on the row with the month names, or if you click the middle button the theme minimizes to the current month and goes to the left side of the desktop. You can't see any of the entries however - for that you have to maximize. I made this theme because I wanted a calendar that blanked out past days (I couldn't find one that did this and I really want this feature - I want to see time pass by....). The rest of it grew out just because the theme was sitting on my desktop anyway. Are more features planned? I am pretty busy these day but I will try to add some things during the weekend. Editing of entries (now you have to delete and reenter), resizing of the popup :)...
If you click on the row with the month names, or if you click the middle button the theme minimizes to the current month and goes to the left side of the desktop. You can't see any of the entries however - for that you have to maximize. Yes I found this out as I clicked on time in the row above :) very nice! I made this theme because I wanted a calendar that blanked out past days (I couldn't find one that did this and I really want this feature - I want to see time pass by....). That is also a fine Feature I like! In all, a Great Job!
Great job on this it is among the most useful Karamba applications around here and looks cool too. Thanks a lot!
You are wellcome. I'm glad you like it. I want to add some more functionality (editing entries) and clean up the code a bit when I get the time.
thanx :)
How can i have so small icons on the Kpanel?? Is this standard function in KDE 3.1??