I have created this because I have seen a screenshot from a user of my Flat icon set use the original - this was the only applet that stuck out, and it made me cry

This applet works properly at my resolution (1024x768), but may look rubbish in yours - sorry

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Same thing for me... (Does that for several things: Liquid Kalendar, Kalendar, etc.). :(
This doesn't work for me. All I get is the background and thats all. No text or anything else shows up. Any help would be nice
Hey, do you have any manuals to the ckalendar python module you're using in this theme's script ? Would be very nice if you could gimmie some url. Nice theme.
any idea why this shows up as a grey square blur for me on my fedora core 1 machine? nothing is legible, no characters are shown, just a square blur. :( most other themes work fine and i wrote the author but the mail got bounced back. help?
Maybe you can work on a clock theme next?
Sure - but as I am not a coder, can you find an existing theme that cries out to be improved? :) This way, I can also see what you really want... Thanks, Danny Those are two existing clock themes. I don't know which would be better fitted for working with, but ChromeClock certainly seems nicer, except it is quite large.
This looks even better than the LiquidStyle! If you want i'll inform you when publishing an Update of my Calendar (hopefully with KOrganizer-Support) greetings Thomas
Thanks - if I see a useful applet, it must fit into my style :) Just tell me when you update, and I will update this one to. Thanks for the source applet! Danny