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Karamba & Superkaramba

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this is a plugin for aero aio
and it's based on slashdot karamba
Last changelog:

updated for compatibility with aero aio 0.9
added an auto switch for the rss site list thanks to Alex Zanetti de Lima (trustlix)
now the name of the rss feed it's displayed as title
i've updated the rssparser to the new version so now cyrillic/japanese are displayed correctly and now it works also
on aero aio 0.8c

now you can change font and set the wordrwap, but there are some problems with cyrillic/japanese characters
i can't find a solution for now, sometimes the unicode to utf8 function works but other times it throws up error

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I compress it as a .aiz file and try to install via the configuration dialog, but I get "no plugin or several plugins in archive." Any help?


Does anybody know how this theme can be adjusted to show the whole summary of a headline when hovering over the feed? And how it can be adjusted to have clickable headlines? All the other karamba feedreader have those features but I don't know how to make an aero aio theme out of them or adjust this one to behave like them. Please help, without the possibility to show at least the whole summary this feed reader is nearly useless. Is it a problem of this theme or an aero aio problem?


finally i möanaged to use this plugin but i think it might better if we able see the news' summary and automatically openin browser when we click on the news


and also it might be useful if we able to change the feeder adres manually on the widget


Your plugin really is nice, now I needn't have to use an extra karamba theme to view the news. But I miss something very badly: the news are not clickable, are no links that lead to the whole story. Please take a look at this karamba theme: It a) shows a little more of the news in a tooltip when hovering over the newsline and b) you can click the news to go to the appropriate story. Might it be possible to add those features?


i want to use rss reader on aero aio but im not able to run configuration gui.. how can i do this? i'm searching the site for two days an no clue!!! someone plz help..


Right click on Aero AIO and choose something like "configure design" or "settings" (don't know how it is called in your language). Then you get the Aero AIO configuration dialogue in which you can add and configure the rss plugin. I had to draw the configuration window a lot bigger to see the rss configuration.


when i right click on the widget i click on the configure theme section and under plugins level i try to install rss plugin but i cannot it says i must use aiz files.. but the file i have downloaded is a tar.bz2 how can i change it? and another q. how can i run the utility what's pic is that thanx in advance


aiz files are zip files. Untar file, zip it and rename extension to aiz. Maybe it even works when you just rename the tar.gz to aiz, haven't tried. The application you want to open is embedded in the aero aio configuration. The screen looks different with 0.9 aero aio: Instead of tabs at the top you might have a tree at the left, saying General -Appearance -Auto-Switching -Plugins Management (where you install plugins) and below that Plugins -CPU and memory AIO ... -Rss (which shows the dialog you are looking for)


Everything install well for me, however the rss icon in aero does not show up. Has anyone else had this problem? Is there a way to fix it? My system is SuSe 10.1 and superkaramba was installed with the rpm from the guru resorce. thanks


I'm trying to get this sites rss feed to work: but when i use it aero locks up? Is that not supported? Also is there support for clicking a "headline" and opening it in a browser?


First, I have replaced my other rss feed theme with this - it's very nice. Thanks! Three feature requests for future editions: 1) ability to handle xml and atom feeds 2) name of feed shown in theme (perhaps instead of Rss News?) 3) ability to switch between feeds without having to reconfigure. Thanks again!


I have figured out through some experimentation that rss_aero is not having trouble with url's that have an xml extension (per se), but just the one that I wanted to give it. I haven't tracked down the exact issue, but it seems that there is something being passed to from the feed to rss_aero when it fetches the summary that is not what it expects - in particular, it is an object without a length attribute and so len() fails on it and raises an exception. If I have some time, I might look into this a bit more later.


Articles are not clickable and can not open their links, to solve the problem: Open ~/.aero_aio/ file. At line 90, edit "img/blank.png" to conf["img_dir"] + "blank.png"


Just what I have been looking for.


I downloaded the source but now what should I do? I am totally confused.


it's a plugin for aero aio read the description and follow the link


you must manually install it,... in the tar.gz file you have folders icons and img.. look ~/aero_aio/ ;) you will find more than two folders but "icons" and "img" will be in.. put *.py in ~/aero_aio/ and what it is in tar.gz/icons in ~/aero_aio/ etc.. sorry for my very bad english... :$


Don't know if you are still confused but... To install it. Download the tar file from here and then extract it. Using the extracted directory create a new .zip archive and rename it to .aiz. The new archive must have the following structure /img (directory) /script (directory) / / Now start Superkaramba and add AIO to a desktop. Configure the theme and then in the first tab search for the rss_aio.aiz file you create. It will add to the list on the left and there you are :-)


After installation i´m getting only a *no plugin found message.Any help? thx !


aio has become my favourite karamba theme and i think it needs more plugins and an rss plugin is ideed useful. However, ouiiinn, it doesn't work. AIO accepts it as a plugin, i get it in the config menu but somehow it spoils something in the menu so it doesn't want to apply the changes and i can't get to the plugin to appear in my aio theme. The place of the icon remains blank and i can't click on it. I think i've put the files in the right folders (i'm not sure what to do about the rssparser). maybe something's wrong with the gui file ? please check it, i would really like to use it !


rssparses goes in the same directory of, you have to follow the same directory structure of the archive. For the error try to run superkaramba from a console and see if it prints some error when you apply changes.

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version 0.1d
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 1

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