ok i like your theme, but can't seem to get it work
here's the problem:
Error reading file Umimon0.3.theme from zip
Could not read config file.
X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3
Major opcode: 20
Minor opcode: 0
Resource id: 0x2200129
any idea what it is?
Posted v0.2 and took down v0.3 until I can see what the error is. Very odd, I get the same problem installing the skz, but not the theme file it was created from.
Look for the line in the theme file that references the ipadd.pl and make sure that the path to that file is correct.
Glad you like it...subscribe to the content and watch for the next change. I am adding some stuff this weekend.
I tock a look inside "ipadd.pl" and I modified it to eth1 thats my main nic,then I put the "ipadd.pl" to /home/mrgoth my home folder and then I edit the "umimon.theme" to sensor=program program="/home/mrgoth/ipadd.pl" Now it works perfectly! Thank You!!!
In the Umicons vol4 pack I believe...if it is not there is is in one of the other umicon icon packs on Deviantart...not the ones here. (http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/2548823/)
There are a few more there as well.
Thanks for the comment!
The windeco is Crystal with the Vista Button theme in the Crystal windeco settings...(looks just like alphacube doesnt it...odd)
The buttons have mouse over glows (red for the close button :) )
The transparency is pseudo and looks great imo.
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ok i like your theme, but can't seem to get it work here's the problem: Error reading file Umimon0.3.theme from zip Could not read config file. X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3 Major opcode: 20 Minor opcode: 0 Resource id: 0x2200129 any idea what it is?
Posted v0.2 and took down v0.3 until I can see what the error is. Very odd, I get the same problem installing the skz, but not the theme file it was created from.
aaammmm......the same thing with 0.2....maybe it's me....but i don't how to fix it...
I love this theme! I can't seem to get the IP to show? Do you know whats causing this? I'm running Debian Sarge 3.01 :) Thanks for the great theme!!
Look for the line in the theme file that references the ipadd.pl and make sure that the path to that file is correct. Glad you like it...subscribe to the content and watch for the next change. I am adding some stuff this weekend.
I tock a look inside "ipadd.pl" and I modified it to eth1 thats my main nic,then I put the "ipadd.pl" to /home/mrgoth my home folder and then I edit the "umimon.theme" to sensor=program program="/home/mrgoth/ipadd.pl" Now it works perfectly! Thank You!!!
the wallpaper is very nice, too. may i ask where did you get it from?
In the Umicons vol4 pack I believe...if it is not there is is in one of the other umicon icon packs on Deviantart...not the ones here. (http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/2548823/) There are a few more there as well.
they're really great, thanks for the info :)
i think its a combination of crystal and alphacube or so :)
I like your karamba, and I like the windec you're using. What is it?
Thanks for the comment! The windeco is Crystal with the Vista Button theme in the Crystal windeco settings...(looks just like alphacube doesnt it...odd) The buttons have mouse over glows (red for the close button :) ) The transparency is pseudo and looks great imo.