Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
A hiragana table for karamba
This is me trying to figure out how to make a karamaba theme. It works but not well. The idea is to help one learn hiragana. When a character is clicked it will download a sound a play it. Also it will copy that character to the clipboard via klipper. If you need to input hiragana alot I would look at the project skim.
--Requires mplayer, klipper and the internet.
In the future i hope to get all the kana tables up. Also If someone could help me out a bit. I am having problems trying to play local sound files with the theme. Last changelog:
This is me trying to figure out how to make a karamaba theme. It works but not well. The idea is to help one learn hiragana. When a character is clicked it will download a sound a play it. Also it will copy that character to the clipboard via klipper. If you need to input hiragana alot I would look at the project skim.
--Requires mplayer, klipper and the internet.
In the future i hope to get all the kana tables up. Also If someone could help me out a bit. I am having problems trying to play local sound files with the theme.
I made a thing that displays a word in japanese along with an english translation. The file is to big to be hosted on kde-look.org so email me ( tardigrade@gmail.com or the email in my profile) if you are interested. You can see it in the second preview. I am just doing this until I can find a way to host it.
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