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A superkaramba theme that read a XMLTV file and display what is on Tv now.

It uses XMLTV files ( and PyXML.

Tested with XMLTV 0.5.42 and tv_grab_fr (France), tv_grab_it (Italy), tv_grab_no (Norway)
Last changelog:

- Better handle of the icons resizing process

- My previous release (1.4) was completely out of order... sorry

- Fixes problems with empty path icons
- Fixes problems with programmes with no stoptime

- Correct the bug that the theme was only working with GMT+1 time zone files.

- The theme supports now the star-rating functionality when available

- The theme do not launch the grab process any more
- you can choose the xmltv file via menu
- the theme can handle channels with no icons

- Initial release
- First update, it grabs programs into /tmp/tvprograms.xml
- 3 minutes later it reads the file and display \"on Tv now\"
- display update every 3 minutes

- More program info
- More backgrounds
- link to the website
- \"in how many minutes\" function
- better tv_grab process management
- check that other tv_grab are working

Ratings & Comments



HTML::TreeBuilder Do you wish to install tv_grab_re? [yes,no (default=no)] no Module CGI seems not to be installed. CGI is required. Module HTML::TreeBuilder seems not to be installed. HTML::TreeBuilder is required. Module Tk::TableMatrix seems not to be installed. Tk::TableMatrix is required. Module XML::Writer seems not to be installed. XML::Writer 0.6 is required. Module Lingua::EN::Numbers::Ordinate seems not to be installed. Lingua::EN::Numbers::Ordinate is recommended. Module Lingua::Preferred seems not to be installed. Lingua::Preferred 0.2.4 is recommended. Module Term::ProgressBar seems not to be installed. Term::ProgressBar 2.03 is recommended. Module Unicode::String seems not to be installed. Unicode::String is recommended. Required modules missing, 'make' is unlikely to work Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Warning: prerequisite CGI 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite HTML::TreeBuilder 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite Tk::TableMatrix 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite XML::Writer 0.6 not found. Writing Makefile for XMLTV [root@newpc xmltv-0.5.44]# make /usr/bin/perl5.8.8 lib/ lib/ Can't locate XML/ in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.7 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.7/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl .) at lib/ line 109. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at lib/ line 109. Compilation failed in require at lib/ line 12. make: *** [lib/] Fout 2 [root@newpc xmltv-0.5.44]# make test /usr/bin/perl5.8.8 lib/ lib/ Can't locate XML/ in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.7 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.7/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl .) at lib/ line 109. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at lib/ line 109. Compilation failed in require at lib/ line 12. make: *** [lib/] Fout 2 this error occurs after the What to do?


A real highlight. It would be cool to have an option ti change the sequence of the channels in next versions. Weiter so...!


There is a way to configure the channels order. You must edit your xmltv config file (in ~/.xmltv/) and change the channls id with what you want. Make sure you use big numbers because it will be sorted with alphabet so 107 will be before 2. For example you can put 101 tf1 102 france2 etc.


oups sorry... Do not take care about my previous message... it do not work at all...


I read it to late and tried. I think when you sort the channels in the way you want in the xmltv file it works. Did so for me, after a new grabbing. example from my file: channel ARD #101 ARD channel ZDF #102 ZDF channel RTL #103 RTL channel SAT.1 #104 SAT.1 channel PRO%207 #105 PRO 7 channel RTL%202 #106 RTL 2 I think the numbers are not necessary, but they cause no problem also. Thank you. Very Nice App..


make sure your programs are ok. It is possible that it depends of the grabber. Apparently for the tv_grab_fr the ids are crucial and changing them gives me other channels instead which I wanted... So if with your grabber, it is ok... you are lucky ;)


I tested it a few days and everything is fine. Is there a way to limit the channels displayed in your program? It´s because my Desktop is not big enough for every channel I'm watchin in maxemum tv guide and so on.


Hi, I grab UK listings using tv_grab_uk_bleb for the five terrestrial channels, and the XML output seems okay. However, when I run sKTVProgram, the channels take a couple of minutes to appear, and only the top one gets a listing. It just sits at "searching file..." indefinitely. I'm on Gentoo, using xmltv-0.5.42-r2. Cheers, Robin B


Ok, the next release corrects this. There were problems with icons and some programmes have no stoptime. See my 2nd screenshot for example.


Thanks for the quick reply ;) Looking forward to next version then. My icons are all there except BBC Two (as bbc2_scotland), it's just the fields for Programme Name etc. were not filled except for the first one. I actually found a way of dealing with this problem, by using a backwards-offset source file, e.g. tv_grab_uk_bleb --offset -1 >foo.xml Cheers, Robin B


Hi ! I installed sKTVProgram, xmltv and pyXML but then, when I launch "tv_grab_fr --configure --gui" I get these errors : samheg@KubuntuPowaaa:~/Desktop/xmltv-nightly$ sudo tv_grab_fr --configure --gui Prototype mismatch: sub main::get: none vs ($) at /usr/bin/tv_grab_fr line 499 using config filename /home/samheg/.xmltv/tv_grab_fr.conf Can't call method "attr" on an undefined value at /usr/bin/tv_grab_fr line 476. line 499 is : use LWP::Simple; line 476 is : my $chid = $cellTree->look_down( "_tag", "a", 'href', '#' )->attr('onclick'); What did I make wrong ? Thx


hum... it seems you do not use the latest "fr" grabber. Check the latest release of xmltv on there is an update of this grabber


Hey there! I'm really interested to have this script configurated for an italian channel list! Can u make it for me? Please! I would to have on my desk only italian cable channels (SKY Cinema 1, SKY Cinema 2, SKY Cinema 3, SKY Cinema Max, SKY Cinema 16:9, SKY Cinema Autore, SKY Sport 1,2 and 3, Caccia&Pesca, E!) Please...i'm not a programmer and i can't understand a f*** of xml or python! I'm italian...excuse me for my orrible english!! Can u do it? Please! If not tell me why...


Possible with my new release (see the 3rd screenshot) You must have the pyXML package installed (see your distrib repositories) and a xmltv capable program like tv_grab_it for Italy (see your distrib repositories)


Ok...i've pyXML already installed on my FC4, and i'v installed xmltv-0.54 (or similar), but when i launch your superkaramba's always shows:"Searching file"...but not load anything! Where i'm wrong? Thank u!!


Ok it's a good start. My theme is a reader of a xmltv file and it doesn't go fetching the data itself. First step is to configure which channels you want with : tv_grab_it --configure reply yes or no at each channel then you need to fetch regularly the data (you can make a scheduled job every 7 days for example) the command is : tv_grab_it --output /tmp/tvprograms_it.xml once this is done (the Italy grabber is very long, don't be afraid), you can choose the xml file in my theme (right clic and "configure theme") then the display should be ok


Ehm...ok..but when i open konsole, log in as root and i write: tv_gra_it -- configure Fedora tell me that the command doesn't exist....WHY?? So i can't configure nothing...ufff...please help me! :(


Ehm...ok..but when i open konsole, log in as root and i write: tv_grab_it -- configure, Fedora tell me that the command doesn't exist....WHY?? So i can't configure nothing...ufff...please help me! :(


hum... First you do not need to be root in order to launch the grabber but it's not the solution of your problem. what's displayed when you do in console : tv_grab (and then tab key) ? Could you check which version of xmltv you have installed ? and perhaps there is a package for each country grabber. My Mandriva repository is like that. So make sure you have the "it" package installed. Hope you can use my theme ;)


Ok...i've discovered i'm not installed correctly xmltv and when i've found this (, i've downloaded the first 4 packages. When i'm going in the konsole and write:rpm -Uvh packname.rpm there are a lot of dependences not satisfied. How can i resolve this problem? could you send me everything the necessary if it is possible? Thanks for your patience. I hope not to disturb too much...! ;)


Here the content of the README file of xmltv, check your perl base and modules installation. ---- The system requirements are perl 5.6 or later, and a few Perl modules. You will be asked about some optional components; if you choose not to install them then there are fewer dependencies. The full list of needed modules is: LWP 5.65 XML::Parser 2.34 XML::Twig 3.10 XML::Writer 0.4.6 Date::Manip 5.42a Memoize (included with perl 5.8 and later) Storable (included with perl 5.8 and later) Archive::Zip (if you want to run tv_grab_uk_bleb) CGI (if you want to run tv_pick_cgi) Compress::Zlib (if you want to run tv_grab_se_swedb) HTML::Parser 3.34 (for some of the grabbers which use HTML::Entities) HTML::TableExtract (if you want to run tv_grab_na_icons) HTML::TreeBuilder (for many of the grabbers) HTTP::Cache::Transparent (if you want to run tv_grab_se_swedb) IO::Scalar (if you want to run tv_grab_uk_bleb) IO::Stringy (if you want to run tv_grab_se_swedb) SOAP::Lite (if you want to run tv_grab_na_dd) Term::ReadKey (if you want to run tv_grab_na_dd) Text::Kakasi (if you want to run tv_grab_jp) Tk (if you want to run tv_check) Tk::TableMatrix (if you want to run tv_check) WWW::Mechanize (if you want to run tv_grab_na_icons) XML::LibXML (if you want to run tv_grab_se, tv_grab_se_swedb) Unicode::UTF8simple (if you want to run tv_grab_pt)

761983 tv_grab_it run very very well!! Just another problem... :( when i write in the konsole: tv_grab_it > output.xml, and i open the xml file, it shows me: "XML sintax error: unexpected character row 1107, coloumn 55410"...why? It's for this reason that your script doesn't work yet? (It shows me "searching file")...ah...what is the name of the xml file that the script read?? TNX!!!


So you're not far from the finish !!! It's normal that there is syntax error beause the grabber do not output only xml but text too. The right command is : tv_grab_it --output your_file.xml where your_file.xml can be anywhere (/tmp/tv_programs_it.xml for example). Then in my theme, you can locate the file by doing "right clic" on it and "configure theme". Good luck.


Nice idea ! Perhaps find a system to collapse the "grabber" to avoid full display every time ? (my bad english... :-\ )


hum what do you mean by "collapse the grabber" ? If you talk about the number of channels that are displayed, you can configure (with tv_grab_XX --configure) the number and which channels you want.

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