Description: My first superkaramba theme, just for fun and for learn how this things get made, I decided to make a different one, this theme puts up to 2 yahoo avatars on your desktop, being able to set the yahoo id's of the avatars, the distance between and the mood of the avatars, plus the mood can be set to reflect the rating or score of the current song in amarok, the less rating/score, the angrier the avatars will look, 5 stars or 90+ score mean the avatars will be excited (changes in the moods of the avatars are local, the theme doesn't change the yahoo account settings).
the configuration of the theme (yahoo id's, moods and distance) is made using a left click menu, the amarok mode is set/unset using the standard karamba configuration: right click -> configure theme.
there's a menu option for saving the current image.
internet access is needed for this theme to work.
********************************************************************** The theme needs python bindings for KDE, as it uses the amarok DCOP interface **********************************************************************Last changelog:
Ratings & Comments
This rules so much. Brilliant. Thanks.
the theme's pretty cool where did you get the Amarok theme
thank you for your comments, the amarok thing is a theme for aero aio made by me, not yet released.
Where did you get those slowflakes from? a Karamba theme?
It's beryl snow plugin, very cool, the flakes are here in kde-look for download and use with that plugin.
Eh, damn. And me here on AMD64 on a laptop with an Ati X600 ...It'll probaby be some time before I install Beryl.
they look nice on your desktop