Cleanbar kicker replacement
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Cleanbar is a simple taskbar, xmms control, and clock. Cleanbar is quick, simple, and appealing.
There is absolutely nothing to configure! Download and run! But please use SuperKaramba 0.31 or later.
I created this basically as a quick example of how to use the new event-based task control API in SuperKaramba.
It also demonstrates how to create themes that work at any resolution. You should not have to change anything for this to work on your desktop.
Now it also demonstrates using the popup menu API to create custom popup menus.
Rewritten to support the SuperKaramba 0.31 event-based task API so this version is way faster and uses much less cpu!
Also, now the active task is highlighted. This was much requested.
Thanks to Wilfriend Huss for much of the changes.
Task grouping! When you have more than one window of a type open (ex. a bunch of konqueror windows), they will be grouped together. Clicking on that task will bring up a popup menu to let you select which instance to switch to. This is much more usable!
See the new screenshot!
Ratings & Comments
excelent icons. where to download them??
I am looking for a "project" cam across this and was wondering if I could correct the errors/updates?
Here's another screenshot with other utilities to match the bar. http://www.robotthoughts.com/monitor/newscreen.jpg Thought someone might use if for inspiration. Here's that person's blog site: http://www.robotthoughts.com/?q=taxonomy/page/or/43
dude, whered u get ur desktop icons?
When I go over the Cleanbar Superkaramba breaks down!
This si not meant to replace Kicker, it is just an example fo want Karamba can do. I for one really like the Kicker, it does have it's shortcomings but it's a great piece of software and we need to improve it not make a new one, besides IMO it would be a mistake to make a complete Kicker replacement in SK.
Actual kicker is UGLY, we really need a new kicker/taskbar/menubar/panel/whatever else,but you're right doing it in superkaramba isn't a good choice, it should be programmed in C++ and qt
Why does it have to be hard coded (not that that is a bad idea, the kicker is ugly)? Haven't you ever used, seen or heard of LiteSTEP for Windows?
the next thing todo: SyStemTray well i drastically need that!!! keep up the cool work!
i like it too, but it is VERY like windows. it is ez to use though and looks nice(which is most important). it really is nice but the following additions would make it even better i think: -startbutton being "pushed" in when pressed - a systray -different window button for active window and background windows(i.e. active one pushed in (like all now), other not?) keep up good work!
am i missing something here,i cant find the start button pic, its not in with the others,and i dont see it being called in the .theme file very werid, but yeah i want to change it to my own cause i dont want "start" like windows, but yet i cant find where that picture is being called nor where it even is
it's loaded in the python file, not the .theme file. Look in the pics subdirectory, find the start image, and then just save a new one over it.
sorry i meant theme or python , either of em i cant find where its called, and most importantly i cant find the pic, in the pics dirc . .. bar2.png rightend_new.png rightend.png slickbar.png task_new.png task.png .xvpics but the "start" picture isnt in there, where is it and whats the filename
Is there a way to modify this so that it only shows the tasks on the current workspace/desktop instead of ALL the running applications? Once that's done, I'm done with the kicker, mate! BTW, 'tis a great bit of work! Don't stop!
Awesome. Getting closer to a karamba kicker replacement. Just need a sys tray, and it will be complete.
You are officially the first person to replace Kicker, in a full way. Amazing! BTW, I have a little insy winsy request. Is it possible you could port this WindowBlinds theme to Karamba? Now, I know Karamba doesn't do window decorations. I was just wondering if you could port the taskbar, if possible. Here's the link: http://skins.stardock.com/treetog/wb/ss-sage2.jpg A good window decoration for this is the Bebop theme for IceWM.
a taskbar kind of thing where you can see all open programs? It looks really nice ... great work Fab
yes :)
The moment a lot of people were waiting for (at least i was) A replacement for kicker. You did it ! Congratulations. Been playing with this all night & it looks great. One little request: is it possible for the start menu button to behave like the normal Kmenu button? When you click it the menu appears and when you click it again the menu disappears.