I added new icons but if you don't like it, change on the theme line 18 and 19:
...path="--.png" --> ...path="-.png"
...path="++.png" --> ...path="+.png"

Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
add other icons
add amarok version
Ratings & Comments
All I did was create the first text line at x=5 y=5 and added the text "Amarok" and it came out great. Thanks Dan
i'd surely use it if it could handle amarok :) maybe you can make a similar interface?
I will make for also amaroka when I will find moment of time
I like the look of this... small and cute ;-) Is it only for xmms or will it run with beep-media-player as well? Regards, Przemek
it's only for xmms
for playing what? ....
its name only :) it is very simple theme for xmms sorry for my english