Karamba Replica
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Theme Creator
and more with all specs based only on QT and KDE
qt devel
Karamba Replica 0.23
- Added CHILD tag for managing child theme with mouse. Parameters are:
SRC: the path of child theme
EMBE if true, child is embed in parent
MOUSE: mouse event for showing/hiding the child, value can be "over, click, ofocus, cfocus"
X,Y,W,H: coords of mouse sensitive area.
- Karamba windows are now embedable (in theme: CHILD tag with parameter EMBED=true, or in any QWidget using libkaramba).
- Solved bug with loading icons (don't load icon at correct size).
- Now you can load the Karamba configuration dialog with command line: #karamba --setup.
- Added FADE parameter to KARAMBA tag to fade background with a color choose in configuration dialog (you can also choose the fading level).
- XMMSsensor now save song tags also with OGG (only if tags don't exists).
- XMMS sensor: Added %pref (show the XMMS preferences dialog) and %onoff (launch/quit XMMS).
- First step of wysiwyg in KarthemeCreator(version 0.13):
current theme is embeded in a tab so you can preview theme directly in creator (all changes are immediatly updated).
Karamba Replica 0.22
- Added an ICON tag for loading default KDE's icons
- Added LIMIT parameter to KARAMBA tag (limit in pixel of autohiding)
- Added tooltip on CLICKAREA
- Improved memory and cpu usage
- Added "insert at cursor position" ability to all KarthemeCreator dialogs (exept for THEME)
- Move all tags and cover functions from XMMSsensor class to Tags class
Karamba Replica 0.21
- Make karamba as a shared library
- Added center image ability
- XMMS sensor: Added %play, %pause, %stop, %next, %prev, %list, %cover, %rcover, %runquit
- CLICKAREA sensor: Added %viewer
- Added Karamba configuration module
- Added default theme loading
- Added KarthemeCreator for easy theme building
- Added autohiding in KARAMBA with parameter HIDE=(TOP|LEFT|RIGHT|BOTTOM)
- Added MOVE and MAXMOVE parameter to the TEXT sensor
- Added french translation
- Seek and DL cover from http://www.darktown.com
I'm waiting for users comments
Ratings & Comments
I have installed vorbis but the compilation says that doesnt exist. Why?
Can anyone make an rpm for suse 8.2 pro, i've try to compile but I still get an error, stating that c++ can't create executables.
THis is very cool, I lvoe the theme creator it's something that I've always wanted SK to have. In fact it has a lot fo great things not found in SK. However, I do not see the need of having two KDE programs aimed at doing the same thing jsut ina slightly different way. It would be much easier for both the suer and developers to have one great program to develop support and extend rather than two which both have something really cool that the other doesen't. I think you two should just merge the two programs into one SUPER KARAMBA OF AL THE KARAMBAS OUT THERE! ;) SK has some gantstic themes already written for it and many more developers and users a like are used to it, that's why it has over 18,300 downloads from KDE-LOOK alone! I think the existing suer base should be supported, by merging the ThemeCreator and all taht good stuff from KR to SK and also maybe borrow some things from gDeskelets 0.2 like use of the XML format which sounds like a great idea and may provide reuse of Qt Designer code. Also, C++ is good and all, but for something small like this there is nothing wrong with Python, after all the functions for SK are written in C++. Please use my suggestions, I lvoe both of these projects and have KDE's best interests at heart, and I sincerely think that merging the best features of KR SK and GD is the way to go as I am sure many others do too.
Has i seen the reply from Adam (SK) to your question, i've only one thing to say: no coment :( Bye, Cyril.
Okay, you guys both have a very good program, your both doing what you guys like. But, sacrificing one effort in order to ensure the long term sucess of the other and bring a super program, while regrettably missing some of the charachtersistics of the original seems worth it. Sorry, if I seem like I am not thankful, I am, its just that I feel a concentrated effort would be better.
Sure, everyone working on one program might result in faster development. The problem is convincing everyone to work on a single program :) I mean look at KDE and GNOME. Why are there two entire desktop environments that basically replicate the exact same thing? Well, there are two because some people like programming in plain C using callbacks (GNOME) and some people like programming in C++ using OOP and signals (KDE). Some people are sticklers for LGPL and GNU (GNOME) and some people are satisfied with plain GPL (KDE). So yes, one super desktop environment would probably be better. But you can't assume you could have ever made the people from the other project come work on your project, unless you start paying them :) For every successful open source project, there is another one written by people who for whatever reason disagree with how the first one is written. Linux and FreeBSD, KDE and Gnome, Gaim and Kopete, XMMS and Noatun, etc. etc. :)
There's another reason: My goal is to add KarambaR to kdenonbeta and for that an apps must not depend of librarys witch are not in KDE (this the reason why i plan to replace in next version the id3lib and vorbisfile by the KFilePlugin). Don't tell me that my program depends of XMMS, it's optionnal and not obligatory to compile. Tha's the reason why i don't merge with SK (which is a very good app).
BOSSoNe is here making a great program for free for you to enjoy. If he wanted to merge with SuperKaramba, he probably wouldn't have worked on this by himself. Instead, he would have just contributed to SuperKaramba. If he does have some interest in merging, then he can email me and we can talk about it. But if he doesn't, please don't complain :) Let's let him do what he wants and continue to release cool programs :)
i am new to karamba, but it looks so nice so i thought i'd try it out. i downloaded and installed superkaramba 0.28, but now i see this new version of karamba!? now i ask myself karamba or superkaramba? where's the difference? which can you recommend? thx in advance
Hi, i can't recommand one or one, you have to make your own idea. But, i think KarambaR is a little bit easyer cause you don't have to know python programming and the theme creator can help you a lot. Try it, and please comment it. Bye.
installed id3lib(inluding devel) compiled with no probelm yet album cover is missing! can anyone help me? thanks!
Can i've more info, launch karamba from a console and look what it says.
- enable song title scrolling didnt try that. - new button for displaying/hidding playlist didnt work. well its no big deal for me - display cover that's interesting. the way of finding cover is not that convenient i think. i use musicmatch jukebox(win or vmware in linux) to sync my mp3 tags(including album cover) through musicmatch database which automatically sync my hundreds of mp3 within a few minutes. i still use it when i got new song import to my mp3 library. which is a snap. the album cover is a part of mp3 tag id3v2 so its already store in the mp3 file.
- the playlist button work only if you have xmms-shell (it is notice in the requirement) so if you don't have it, that can't work. - the use of the id3v2 is an interesting think, i'll work on it. THX 4 the comment.
I've downloaded 5798-xmmssensor_patch-0.1.4.tar.bz2 but I didn't found the new xmms.theme Where do I get it?
the theme is in the src dir.
cool, both patches work with superkaramba 17h. Thanks for the update. Now, we just need a program that will automatcically download the cd cover/image for us. With over 10 gigs of music, its taking me a while to get all my cover.jpg files in the right spot. Thanks for the update.
This is really cool. Except that the scrollbar patch doesn't compile with the new superkaramba - v17f. At least with me. I'd like to see that working too.
I'm not using SuperKaramba for the moment, but i'll take a look and make a patch for...
add comment, idea, etc... Some people have put negative vote, why, explain. Comment is the only way for me to know wat's wrong and what i must do. Thx