Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Full english german, spanish and slovenian support.
Thanks to Eugeni for spanish transtalation!
Thanks to Piotr Dzienis for Polish version
Download SuperMonitor successor of Time Monitor!
Have fun!
20. February 2006 (v1.3)
Add polish transtalation by Piotr Dzienis
8. February 2006 (v1.2)
Add spsnish transtalation
Thanks to Eugeni
7.Frbruary 06
nothing new only Change log is corrected
19, August (1.1)
fixed error whit UTF8 in slovenian theme
18. Avgust 05. (1.0.a)
Fixed error in colour theme.
15. August.05 (1.0)
3 new themes!
5 new backgrounds!
10. August.05 (0.3)
1 new clock icon
6. August.05 (0.2)
Slovenian theme is corected
1 new clock icon
4.August.05 (0.1.1)
Corected Description
4.August.05 (0.1)
TimeMonitor is Created
Ratings & Comments
Good clock,but my theme is Klins not Kalins http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=27213
Sorry, I mede mistake.
No problem! keep working! ;) Cya
nisem se sprobal, sam opis sem prebral, kaksne probleme imas z utf8?
Na drugem računalniku kjer je utf8 šumniki v moji temi ne delajo. Mogoče pa ima superkaramba probleme. Sprobaj! če ne bo šlo pa namesto "Čas" napiši "Ura" v datoteko Slovenian.theme lp Miha P.S Poglej še druge moje izdelke