SuperKaramba TuxBar with SMOOTH zoom

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This is a NEW SuperKaramba version of TuxBar!

Now it has full SMOOTH zoom just like in MacOS X! The bar even grows and the icons move almost exactly as in OS X. See the power of SuperKaramba

Please make sure you are using SuperKaramba 0.17f or HIGHER! Notice the "f"!
The newest version of SuperKaramba speeds things up A LOT.

PS: You can steal the to add parametric zoom to your own themes.
Last changelog:

2.0 - 0.17g:

You need this version if you have upgraded to SuperKaramba 0.17g - otherwise there are no changes.

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hey, how can I adjust it so I can change the icons for the programs that I really use? I have been looking for the file but the only thing I can find is the one with this; [internal] desktop=0 lockedPosition=true [theme] widgetHeight=150 widgetPosX=264 widgetPosY=866 widgetWidth=700 where is the file for the config?


Would like to find a amarok icon-- great job though-


How we can do for put more icons in the bar? I try and it don't work :(


Hey, looks great an all but is there a way of launching your own (in my case GNOME) apps?


I wrote a lot of time ago a modified version of this bar. Recently I'm going to develop it again... ...stay tuned and check this:


It looks really really great ! But when you first mouse over the bar everything moves in an ugly way :( If you put the only the big background bar and align the icon according to the zoomed size, it should appears really smotther no ?


Very nice theme, I'd like it a lot, but the icons are rendered so slow, that everything looks like slow motion. I've got a Pentium M machine which uses only 600MHz in speedstep mode.


It looks great, runs well, and Smooth Zoom is very similar to Mac OS. Very easy to customize also.


sir , i have know set the Themes on enter the KDE: ----- #!/bin/bash karamba /path/to/tuxbar.theme ----- but how can i set 2 themes on enter the KDE?


Just tried it out. It looks really cool. I remember there's been an SK theme which could read its apps/icons from a directory. Maybe you could grab the code from there? now one thing I really miss is 1) the ability to support app groups (1 level would be sufficient): If I create a subdirectory in that directory with further icons I would like to be able to access those icons by clicking on the directory icon i.e. the taskbar would be replaced with the icons from the next level. This way I could remove my whole K-Menu with this and edit it easily by using the file manager. Finally (I'm just dreaming...) it would be great if optionally there would be a text while hovering over an icon describing how the application is called I'm about to run.


Im trying to figure out what code I need to add/change to add new icons to this set. Ive already swapped out the original icons, and program commands. But now I wish to add more programs to the bar. It's probable simpler than Im making it, but if anyone can help, i'd appreciate it. Oh, I have already modified the png files to make room for more icons. I was reading through the scripts, and it seems its a loop issue. let me know, thanks. mcgrath


is there something special I need to do to make superkaramba use the alpha channels of the png images? Or do I have to run it in kde?


Now exist an modified version with date/hour display and 4-desktop switcher


Please excuse the flameworthy re-posting. I'll remember to read the entire forum before I post a question that's been asked and answered 3 times before.


Every time I load TuxBar, it is off-center. What are the values I would need to change to get it to load in the center of the screen where it should be?


OK. I looked at the comment that said "get the smooth version, not the normal one", so I clicked on Download, yet it still is going to the non-smooth version. Can someone tell me the URL of the smooth version so I can get it... And another question: what do I need to do to add icons to the bar?


You think you can add the system tray and the panel to it? so we can see the apps


of it. :( I know that there has to be something/somewhere where in the files where you specify the position... Can anyone give me a hint? Thanks Juhan


I think i got it I guess I'll have to play a bit more before asking... thanks anyway Juhan


Just change X= and Y= in tuxbar.theme But if that is too much work, just right click and choose "Toggle locked position" and then you can drag it around to where ever you want it.


I told you in reply to your other message: Just change the first line at the top of the .theme file where it says X= and Y= to whatever you want or right click , unlock it, then drag it around that way.


Hey i wanna rewrite this to use SVG so it looks nicer, anyone have any idea where i would start looking?


The next version of QT should support SVG files. Then SuperKaramba can easily support it, along with the rest of KDE. Until then, you would have to write your own SVG library, incorporate it into SuperKaramba's C++ code, add calls to the embedded python interpreter, and then write a python script that uses it. Waiting seems to be the better option :)


This new version works MUCH better. On my PIII 733, the icon zooming is much more responsive and uses WAY less cpu cycles. Great job on the speed improvement and keep it up. Except i'll still complain that when reloading the tuxbar using your superkaramba, karamba crashes. Once again, thanks for your contributions.


Hi, First of I would want to thank ageitgey for a great patched version of karamba. It works very smooth over here ;) I use a calendar theme with my ordinary karamba (0.17), but with superkaramba it crashes. The theme can be found in and the perl calendar script here: Thanks, /Christer G:

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version 0.17g
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