Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Pleace comment on my theme if you did not like it, or if you have any ideas for improving my theme.
This Is The Original Kiramba.
Minor fixes in the theme
Overall graphics improvement
I made the whole theme transparent and i rounded it up a bit.
kiranbaSUSE now comes as a .skz file
Made the load bars more smoth
I added a transparent suse backround.
Added a red area on the bars (80-100%).
Changed the labal colours.
Limited the number of pics that the theme use, to make the theme smaller (removed 33% of the theme size)
Ratings & Comments
I like it ! :D But, could you do one for gentoo please ? :s It will so good to have this one (but for gentoo) into my Gentoo desktop ! :) Sorry for my english...
I like it very much on suse 10 but i cant configure theme. I need to configure my net settings to eth1. Great job, well done.
If you extrakt the .skz file you can edit the .theme file youre self. If you don't know how, I can do it for you :-)
How to extract .theme file?
do you have the 1.6.1 Version? You just extract the .tar.gz file and open the .theme file with superkaramba...
Is it possible to monitor modem0 instead of ethX? I tried, but it doesn't work.
I'm not real sure. The network monitoring is set at eth0 on 1.6.2. Sure you switched the all four eth0's to eth1? if you are going to monitor modem activity I think ppp0 should replace eth0 in the .theme file. Try it out :-)
Looks great on my desktop, thanks.
Thanks for the rcomment:-)
No body posted hare for a while... Pleace comment on the themes progress and for gods sake, do comment if you dont like it Thanks
if you could make some distro specific backgrounds it would be better (KUbuntu, Debian, Slack, Fedora...), and oriented to a bigger group of users. I like it, keed upgradin!!
Check out the Ubuntu theme that's been made... Ubuntu Kiramba
i like the simplicity, and since i use SuSE...even better!
try to create the "glowing effect" for the bars.. might help a bit
You're right, but i'm not sure how to do that, but I'll try... Thanks for the commment
How are the new bars? Like em? I did my best...
not bad, not bad. suse's not my favorite, but i like this theme. however, you've got a lot of wasted space... 400 height? 200 works just fine, and 150 width instead of 200 is good, too.
I changed that now... it's 'w=150 h=194' instead... I'll upload the improved theme.