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hello i like your theme, but it just shows >>Zaradeinie wlan0 nebolo rozpoznane oko aktivne<<. what does it mean? greetz joe
doesnt work for me, dont know why :) and i cant look for the problem because its binary---
In ~/.kde/share/apps/superkaramba/themes/wifina there is a file called wifina.skz - this is a renamed zip file. If you unzip it there is a file in there called which is the python source I suspect it didn't work for you because the interface name is hardcoded. The author has it set to "wlan0" but on my machine the card is "eth1". Its right at the top of the source code so should be easy to adjust When you've finished, remember to re-zip it all up again and rename the zipfile to wifina.skz You'll need to restart SuperKaramba for it to pick up the new version. Hope that helps you! PS. I also translated the text to English by editing it in the source code. I don't speak the original language, but it wa seasy to guess what the text was supposed to say at that part of the code!
Thats nice and useful! Slovakian is an interesting language :) zaradenie wlan0 niebolo rozpoznan its'n it beautyful? (sounds a little like Polish by the way)
zaradenie wlan0 niebolo rozpoznan - this is not in Slovak language. Slovak translate will be: zaiadenie wlan0 nebolo rozpoznané