Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
You need pyXML in order to launch it.
- prev and next buttons
- play/pause button
- menu -> show Amarok window
- centered button -> on/off
- Back in .skz format
- Added 4 new backgrounds (SUSE & KDE in Black/White)
- Corrected an error with playlist display
- Added one more background (White U2)
- Added the pod.xcf file that permit you to do your own backgrounds (please share them)
- .... no text scroll, sorry
- Complete redrawned the background in order to have clean borders
- Added more backgrounds (black & white, u2, etc.)
- Added an option to chose amarok logo (white, black, none, etc.)
- Back in tar.gz format (easier for updates)
- Add support for international characters in "Playing" display
- The theme is now in .skz format (zip file)
- The "Menu" Button put the focus on the Amarok window (Thanks to Tilman for the idea)
- You can click on the Amarok logo to turn on/off the display in order to reduce CPU cost when using other apps (like cedega)
- I finally find the way to have bold fonts... with RichText item
- Add the black version (menu to configure)
- Try to fix a little the CPU need
- Add a cover shadow
- Change text to english
- Add the Amarok logo
1.0 : Initial release
The update is CPU eater....
- other languages
- reduce CPU cost
- text scrolling
- volume control
Ratings & Comments
This theme is very nice, but I have a serious performance issue when Amarok is stopped and the playlist is displayed. Depending on the length of the playlist CPU usage can go as high as 100% on my C2D. Maybe the polling could be slowed down or improved a bit ;-)
Hi, i've modified a little this karamba theme by adding volume control with mouse scroll, it works very fine. I don't know if i can upload this update by myself or keeping this as original iAmarokPod 1.8 maybe ... i prefer the original autor upload as a new version to keep the name or something (i just added a few lines, nothing from the other world or else) ... if someone want it mail me at damorales arroba gmail dot com .... i will wait for the autor's mail to send him the theme updated. greetings !!!!
this is great what would also be cool was if you could change the size
I tried it both with SuSE Linux 9.1 & 9.3, but it doesn't show up. What's the need for pyXML to launch it? Please help!
look at your yast control center for pyxml or try google
very very good! but ther's no possibility to insert the volume control? congratulations
I would love it if the ipod thing's timer updated every second and if the title would scroll i still love it though :P
Yeah the theme is great but you have to make the title and artist scroll.
the scroll is very cpu hungry in karamba... not easy to do it light... if someone as idea how to make it ;)
Hi, for scrolling, take a look at soundmania karamba theme. Btw. Nice work, but without scrolling... Greetings m0nk
like it like it like it !!! thanx for all the work on this theme !! its working fast and stable :D
Hi, I have this theme up and running like it very much. However, I cannot get anything in the display to show up. What maybe wrong?
I like the way you have combined the amaroK logo with the iPod look, I wouldn't have thought it could be done without looking a bit juxtaposed, but in this the two looks look fine together.
seriously really slick SK theme. is there a away to support non english songs names like kovidgoyal had done with skopete: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=32677 and is there any way to see the list again without using the the amarok stop button? all in all very nice job, allready in use:)
Hi, I'm not sure I understand your hope. Do you mean the need to support letters like é or à, etc ? Because on my desktop there is no problem with them. For the playlist, I'm searching a more intelligent way to use the "Menu" button like switching between multiple modes. Ideas are welcome.
well a picture is better then 1000 words: http://www.cheetux.org.il/~motyr/snapshot3.png note how skopete handles my hebrew contacts names,and how amarok displays it.
this does not work with my superkaramba 0.37, it only shows a transparent block of where it is suppost to be. please fix
Make sure you have the PyXML library installed.
I have pyXML installed, and I cannot get it to work.