If you want to use a background picture (e.g. included bg.png or bg2.png) just edit line 2 in the theme file: bg.png is activated by default in the German version, bg2.png in the English version as example.
Image of morning and evening sun is taken from liquid weather theme Kapsules, meridian sun is from default liquid theme.
Based on the Crystal Sunrise Theme by Daniel Pathmaperuma (http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/crystal_sunrise?content=54805) which is based on sunrise-theme by Flavio Cardone (http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/sunrise?content=25030) - an even more shameless port

This theme needs the sunwait application: http://www.risacher.org/sunwait/
Due to request: In order to get sunwait working you have to compile it. Just untar the archive and execute the make command in the sunwait... directory. After that copy the new sunwait binary to a directory that'S in your path (e.g. /usr/local/bin).
BTW: If you are looking for a french version: chepioq has adapted my theme:
Ratings & Comments
Cool idea and nicely realized even though I am not planning on using it.
Good. Nice work.