New Arranged Layout, added /home partition, and Process Monitor.
Fixed - Oversized Memory Bar
Note: 1. Make sure to install that font first (/font/venusris.ttf). 2. Make any necessary changes if net/wifi monitor didnt work, eth0 to eth1 or wifi0 to wifi1, you know, something like that.Last changelog:
1.0 Rearranged KornerMonitor Layout 1.0.1 Fixed - Oversized Memory Bar, Thanks to Steve Frederick
Ratings & Comments
Where'd you get the wallpaper? It's awesome.
I like it, but the process don't update and I would rather have am/pm instead of 24 h clock. keep up the good work. Alvin ka9qlq
I really like the "K MENU" - orange, big, cool. Which theme are you using for the Screenshots?
i'm using kbfx theme Revaline\\\'s Launch Menu Regards