Amarok Vinyl (+ colored vinyls)

Karamba & Superkaramba

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0.2 This version adds colored vinyl! using the compare command, so again, you have to have imagemagick properly installed, it is not always accurate buy anyways most of the times it works quite well displaying the color most suited for the most prominent color in the cover, added 2 themes for the big mode, Cd and Jewelcase.


I want to share this theme I made for personal use, maybe someone finds it useful.

The theme displays the cover and song info for the amarok current track (in 2 modes: default and big, selectable in the right-click menu), it provides some basic controls (previous track, pause, next track and mute), plus a way to change the song's rating, the theme uses utf-8 encoding, thus providing support for non-english characters.

The theme depends on imagemagick, so it has to be installed for the theme to work at all, the theme was made with the mac os x fonts in mind (the one in the screenshots is Lucida Grande, Bold), which are not free, therefore the default font is Sans Serif (this font looks just fine anyways), you can change the font type with the right-click menu, but not the size, as a result of this, some fonts may be very small or very big (again, the default one works fine).

It can display streams covers, however, for this feature to work properly you have to set the default size for cover previews to 160px in the amarok preferences, otherwise you may get some ugly things.

The theme needs python bindings for KDE, as it uses the amarok DCOP interface
Last changelog:

0.2 Added colored vinyls, + 2 themes for big mode, CD and Jewelcase

0.1 First Release

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I have decided to update my Amarok Vinyl widget for KDE 4, Amarok 2 and Plasma, as you can imagine this may imply a lot of work and sadly I don't have a lot of time in my hands right now, therefore all I can say is that the update is definitely in its way, but it may take long, so please be patient. Thanks a lot to all the people interested.


Planning a port for Amarok 2? I was using this on KDE3, and I really miss it.


Hi, I've been using your theme since a few month, when it was v0.1, it worked perfectly, but I accidentally deleted the theme so I downloaded it again. I downloaded the v0.2, but it doesn't seem to work anymore on my computer, when the song changes in amaroK it doesn't on the vinyl until I right-click and select reload, additionally sometimes the image doesn't load at all and a transparent square is displayed. About the new themes the CD color remains black and I can't find where to select the themes for the big mode. I'm on Ubuntu 8.04 with KDE 3.5.9 and AmaroK 3.5.9. I'd like to know if there's a way to get the v0.1 back to try if it still works and if you know where the problem could be from.


I've noticed some things new : The image doesn't bug anymore, it updates when the album changes, but not the text, still it changes when I click on "Left" (or "Right" or "Top" etc...) on the Vinyl, meaning that it's able to find the infos and to change the display when something changes in amaroK, so I don't understand why the text infos remain the same... (Still no color nor skin for Big Mode)


Hello, thanks for your comments. As for the problem, if you didn´t had any issues with 0.1, I think you may be missing the compare command, check it out and let me know if the issue remains the same. Could you please run the theme from the command line and copy/paste the output here?


Ok, I will seem lame but I've tried to launch by command, and the output was about an error in the .superkaramba folder, I've deleted the conf folder and installed again Vinyl, now it works great without bug and with color management. Output: [...] `/home/guillaume/.superkaramba/Vinyl/images/blacks.png': No such file or directory. I think it was a compatibility error with the config of the older version. I'm sorry for loosing your time but I hope this will help if someone has the same issue. Still thanks a lot, it's a great theme ;)


Hey, thank you very much, it was all my fault, I'm very glad that you find the theme useful.


Hi, like you superkaramba theme. What I would like is to have a full size LP, i.e. the centre part where the lable is displayed should be much smaller, with a tiny hole in the centre where it fits on the turntable. What I mean is, I normally play full cd's, not just singles, so therefore I would like to have something that displays a full LP playing. I would try and change your theme to my needs, but I'm not too good with python & IM.


so, you want 33's instead of 45's? got a big screen eh?


it rocks! ..but what make me nuts is that i can see the nice transparent effect like plastic in the middle of the 7inch. > screenshot1 by me its like normal picture over it.


Wow, that thing is amazing. I've been trying different widgets for amarok display, but none of them looked or worked quite right, until I found this one.


Sorry, my mistake, you need Python bindings for KDE, try to search for python-kde3 or python-dcop.


I'm very dissapointed - this precious thing doesn't work on my Mandriva 2007.0 with it's ImageMagick- I've tried to uninstall it (IM i mean) and nothing helps - all i get is a "transparent" skaramba-widget without even any slightest hint on what is it doing or is to do. Is there any configurations that are to be made in Amarok or SKaramba or my system? Do i need those bloody -devel packages for making this thing usable?


is the convert command in your path? i mean, can you do $convert -resize 50% somefile.jpg somefile.png in a terminal? Also, what is the output if you run the widget from a terminal?


Well, as i've found out - i do have convert utility, but it doesn't work =( [kraplax@localhost ~]$ convert -resize 50% ./Slax_blue.jpg convert: missing an image filename `./Slax_blue.jpg' I've also tried to quote the filename with ' and " but id didn't help. Also, as it turned out imginfo utility (which i suppose to the part of ImageMagick alongside with that convert one) is also unusable for png and gif files. At least with .jpg it works fine - shows some stats... What am i to do further to make it work?


That's weird, what you can do is look for some proper and up to date imagemagick package for your distribution, or build it for yourself. Now, if you don't get to see anything at all, chances are for imagemagick not being the problem, can you rename Vinyl.skz to then extract the contents to somewhere then run the file named Vinyl.theme in superkaramba? maybe the skz archive isn't installing the files properly.


weird thing, indeed... i've read the man page for convert and it says that syntax is: convert input.file [options] output.file So, I've tried it this way: [kraplax@localhost ~]$ convert ./Slax_blue.jpg -resize 50% ./Slax_blue1.jpg and it worked! It just contracted my image and saved it under another name. And i've also opened your theme file and have found out, that everywhere in your scripts you use it something like: convert [options] some.file another.file see the difference? I wonder if it depends on IM's version that it's syntax varies so much, but i suppose that's the root of the problem. Btw, what version are you using? And how could i launch skaramba theme from konsole? just give me an exaple and i could tell you what it says. Thanx in advance =)


$superkaramba /path-to-file/Vinyl.theme My version of imagemagick is 6.3.5, but as imagemagick is quite versatile i don't thing your problem is a question of sintaxis or versions, maybe you are missing some python libraries, or maybe the problem comes from write permissions.


well, there's actually some problem with missing dependencies: [kraplax@localhost ~]$ superkaramba /home/kraplax/.superkaramba/Vinyl/Vinyl.theme 'import site' failed; use -v for traceback superkaramba: addThemeToList() file: /home/kraplax/.superkaramba/Vinyl/Vinyl.theme superkaramba: Starting theme: Vinyl pretty name: Vinyl - 1 superkaramba: /home/kraplax/.superkaramba/Vinyl.rc superkaramba: Loading python module: Vinyl sys.path.insert(0, '/home/kraplax/.superkaramba/Vinyl/') Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/kraplax/.superkaramba/Vinyl/", line 14, in ? import dcop ImportError: No module named dcop ------------------------------------------------------ What does ImportError mean? It means that I couldn't load a python add-on If this is a regular theme and doesn't use python extensions, then nothing is wrong. ------------------------------------------------------ I don't know which packages are to be installed to make it work, 'cause i have "fantastik" and "4in1 rss" themes which works ideally for me. Could you please specify the dependencies of your theme (and it would be nice of you to list them in your theme description too).


well, there's actually some problem with missing dependencies: [kraplax@localhost ~]$ superkaramba /home/kraplax/.superkaramba/Vinyl/Vinyl.theme 'import site' failed; use -v for traceback superkaramba: addThemeToList() file: /home/kraplax/.superkaramba/Vinyl/Vinyl.theme superkaramba: Starting theme: Vinyl pretty name: Vinyl - 1 superkaramba: /home/kraplax/.superkaramba/Vinyl.rc superkaramba: Loading python module: Vinyl sys.path.insert(0, '/home/kraplax/.superkaramba/Vinyl/') Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/kraplax/.superkaramba/Vinyl/", line 14, in ? import dcop ImportError: No module named dcop ------------------------------------------------------ What does ImportError mean? It means that I couldn't load a python add-on If this is a regular theme and doesn't use python extensions, then nothing is wrong. ------------------------------------------------------ I don't know which packages are to be installed to make it work, 'cause i have "fantastik" and "4in1 rss" themes which works ideally for me. Could you please specify the dependencies of your theme (and it would be nice of you to list them in your theme description too).


I forgot to mention that scroll wheel over the theme controls volume too.


it's totally cool....scrolling font of your choice. The animation!!! wow You are very skilled here. Perhaps it would be possible to make this work with other media players like xmms, juk, etc. in the way that Soundmania Karamba does?


Thank you very much for your comments, regarding support for other players, I don't have time to work in it by now, but maybe in the future.


it looks great!! I love the lable itself on the vinyl. I can't wait to give it a go....thanks!!

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version 0.2
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