Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Improved webcam support (depend over spcacat - http://mxhaard.free.fr)
* Bug fixes
Added new options to change border style and view last photo. Some fixes.
Now on skz format.
Fuly rewriten code, now using only python script. New settings way and options to switch next photo and open current photo.
Fix Width Height when is higher than karamba theme
First realise
Ratings & Comments
This is what I did to get it to display my images.... To add the path to your photos simply rename the file downloaded to: <file_name>.zip instead of <file_name>.skz Extract the zip file to a directory. Then edit the file 'Photolets.py'. Change line 100 to point to your images and edit line 99 to be 'if (Directory)' instead of 'if (not Directory)'. Then zip up the files like this: zip -r your_theme.skz *
This is what I did to get it to display my images.... To add the path to your photos simply rename the file downloaded to: <file_name>.zip instead of <file_name>.skz Extract the zip file to a directory. Then edit the file 'Photolets.py'. Change line 100 to point to your images and edit line 99 to be 'if (Directory)' instead of 'if (not Directory)'. Then zip up the files like this: zip -r your_theme.skz *
I dont know how to add path to my photos
Ditto - there doesn't seem to be an easy way to change the default gallery for pictures. I unzipped the .skz theme and changed the only reference to /usr/lib/wallpaper to something more appropriate. Rezipped it back into a skz and reloaded, but it changed NOTHING. This would be great if it were possible to easily change what photos to show. Please let us know how to do this......
I am sorry folks but I can not understand how to set a picturre path, can you explain me please.
Thank you for that great tool! On my KDE, the function to open a picture did not work, so I replaced the line karamba.execute("kfmclient exec "+current_picture); with karamba.execute("kuickshow \""+current_picture+"\""); in the file Photolets.py I also found a mis spelling on line 244: uptade.
Hello!! The file is an "skz" file How can I use it with superkaramba please?? Do I have to save it under an other format?? Thanks ;-)
it's ok ! ...fine and good job !! many thanks , ciao Carlo
...why don't run !?
The default path for the theme is ~/.superkaramba/Photolets may be is not instaled there, try to fix it. And edit photolets.sh to see your photos. BTW, I am working on next version with fully GUI configuration.
Many thanks ! ciao!