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"paddock" (prototype of another desktop dock) is a dock/panel written for SuperKaramba. It's main objective is to provide a highly configurable desktop dock/panel.

Currently only compatible with KDE 3.x.


Can dock in any screen position and be used in Horizontal or Vertical mode;

Configuration tools to access all configurable options;

Launchers can be edited with a simple right-click;

Indicators that show currently running applications;

Plugins to show information and provide access to some common tasks ( Media player control (Amarok, Juk, Kaffeine, XMMS, BMP); Calendar; Clock; Desktop access; (...) ) ;

Various backgrounds available.
Last changelog:

- Added support for control of XMMS, Kaffeine and BMP media players;
- Added support of handling multiple instances of an app;
- Added new icon effects and configuration options;
- Multiple bugfixes.
- Multiple bugfixes;
- Added option to configure spacing between icons;
- Added new artwork, moved some artwork to the paddock extras package.
- Added option to display mirror effects on icons, icons are reflected on the background as if it was a mirror (optional);
- Multiple bugfixes.
- Added the DarkGlass_Reworked iconset (available in paddock Extras);
Multiple bugfixes.
- After many requests, the default browser launcher now comes configurated for firefox;
- Added online manual;
- Minor bugfixes.
- Re-designed mach background;
- Added source download;
- Minor bugfixes.
- Small bugfix on configuration launcher.

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First of all, I'd like to congratulate you on such a great job. This dock is just beautiful. There is just one weird little behavior that I cannot seem to fix and I don't know if it's just me? When I run Paddock while using Compiz, all windows that open when launched from the dock open as inactive. They open behind all the other existing open windows on the desktop and even some of my other superkaramba widgets (e.g. liquid weather). They only raise to the front once they are clicked/focused on. How can I fix this?


That behaviour doesn't seem to happen with Kwin, so I'm guessing it could be an issue related with the window manager. As it is not related with this widget I have no advice to you on how to fix it, sorry. Post this issue in the project's page, maybe they can provide some insight and a possible fix. Best regards, Lechio.


That for the quick response. With Kwin, I only now note this behavior when launching Firefox. Everything else seems to open normally.


if this dock is not compatible with kde 4 you should indicate it in the features of the applet...


Changed. Now it reflects the mandatory dependency for KDE 3.x. Compatibility with KDE 4 will be assured in some time, maybe with a plasma script. Regards.


That would be great. But maybe... couldn't you help developing a dock plasmoid containment instead of an applet? It would be far cooler XD


Been working on one for plasma. Current state it's just a static bar with some icons that launch applications. Very far from being called a dock. Here's a preview: Will release a preview as soon as it gets usable. :)


after i added the skz-file and wanted to activate it, plasma says: "SuperKaramaba cannot continue to run this theme. One more of the required components of the Kross scripting architecture is not installed. ..." i installed python-kde3 and python-qt3 but which other packages are required?


Hi there. This dock is not compatible with KDE 4. Will have to rewrite it entirely for compatibility with KDE 4. It maybe be a Superkaramba theme or a Plasmoid, that is yet to be decided. For now, only KDE 3.x is supported, sorry. Regards.


I install it but when I try to get the menu of configuration (right-click) I get KDEInit could not launch '/home/user/paddock/scripts/'. Im using slackware 12.1 help please!!


I've just installed paddock. Also having the "Sorry - kfmclient", "KDEInit could not launch '/home/user/paddock/scripts/'." error message when right-click, "Configure Dock" is selected.


So no help?


Small bug on the configuration launcher creator. Sorry about that. It's now fixed. Uninstall the theme, restart superkaramba and download the new file. Thank you for reporting this. Regards, Lechio.


Thanks heaps for the quick response! Very much appreciated :-)


Same error. No change. - Uninstalled widget; - Restart SuperKaramba; - Re-install paddock; - Still unable to configure dock. Where are the config files located? I can not even find any file on my system. Ubuntu Gutsy.


The file needs to be downloaded again (if you got the file from the "kgetnewstuff" it always takes a few moments for the file to be updated there, but the most recent version is now available there), bug for configuration window not opening is fixed there, and it's working on my system with the same Ubuntu distro. Configuration files for this widget are located in the '~/.qt' directory (remove paddock* files) and it installs in '~/.kde/share/apps/superkaramba' (remove that directory too), also remove '~/.superkaramba' and '~/.kde/share/config/superkarambarc' this will reset superkaramba and the widget to it's original config. Then download and open the new file with superkaramba. If after all of that done it still fails to load the configuration window, run superkaramba from a terminal and post the output here if you can. Regards, Lechio.


Thank you working good


This thing seem to be what I've been looking for for a while, but I'll have to wait for KDE4 compatability. Any guess on when this could be done?


Something similar will be done for plasma. Just need to study the API a bit more and have my system setup with the KDE4 dev tools (still using KDE3). Can't tell you an exact date on that yet. Regards, Lechio.


This dock looks great but everytime that I have tried to launch it, it crashes Karamba. I can only assume that it is related to the pyQT3 libs (if I have the terminology correct). I am using PCLinuxOS that is running pyQT4. Is there any chance of an update so that this rather cool dock is assessable to more users? Really beeen looking forward to trying it out but not really looking forward to trying to figure out how to get the required qt3 libs running beside my current qt4 libs. Just curious (i hope that I have my terminology correct in this post)


Yes all the terminology in your question is correct. PyQT3 is needed to run this theme, I'm using this version of PyQT to do just what you said in yor post, make this theme accessible to more users. PyQT3 is common in most distros including some of the most popular ones, like Kubuntu which is the one that I'm using to test this widget on. Widget should not crash SuperKaramba, the only thing it should do when it doesn't have the necessary libs is to display a message to inform the user about missing libs. Something gone wrong, maybe a bug. I just don't have that distro to test on. What version of SuperKaramba are you running? Regards.


I am using verson 0.42 (using KDE 3.5.9) at this current time. karamba has proven to be very stable all of the widgets tha I have installed with the exception of Paddock and the aRoK. Really hoping that I can figure this out as Paddock looks very useful. Steve


OK, let's try something. Close superkaramba and execute the following commands: rm -rf ~/.kde/share/config/superkarambarc rm -rf ~/.superkaramba rm -rf ~/.kde/share/apps/superkaramba/themes/paddock rm -rfv ~/.qt/paddock* This to remove all of the superkaramba and widget previous config. Now download the available source file for this widget, extract the file somewhere, browse to that dir and open with a text editor. Comment the following lines located at the top of the file by putting an "#" at the start of each line: " #from qt import QPixmap,QWidget,QCheckBox,QPushButton,Qt,\ #QFontMetrics,QFont,QSettings,QString,QTextCodec,QApplication,QPoint,QCursor " Now run superkaramba from a terminal and open the .theme file from that same extracted dir with superkaramba. Widget will not load OK, we are only doing this to see if the superkaramba crash is really related to the PyQT libs. Report back with the results please. Regards, Lechio.


Well, i started the process but ran into a snag. I downloaded the source listed above (paddock_24_Oct_2008__17_38_31.tar.bz2) extracted it and it is the aRoK source. Steve


It is... I'm really sorry about that, the script used to backup paddock and upload it to google was doing that in the aRoK directory not the paddock one as it should. Again, i'm really sorry and it is now fixed. Please re-download the file if you can. Regards.

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