Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
only use with white background, because of the shadows!
the images are taken from iconset Umicons_2.0
added shadows on images > large cover-img set to 125px!
there's a "button"-effect on the images now. i hope you like it.
removed lots of images and added text-shadow.
only works with kde 3.4+!
insert your own background-image.
fixed the line-bug for long album-titles. it's block-style now.
'show statistics by albums' not working
since amaroK-1.3-beta3 unfortunalty provides image-shadows itself, i had to take it out.
if you are using an earlier version than amaroK-1.3-beta3, you can download srokk-0.3.1 for image-shadows.
'show statistics by albums' fixed (0.3.2.)
changed font-size for song-name, so long names fit.
0.3.3.fixed some bugs in the code and changed design
Ratings & Comments
I personally find the shadows to make the text look rather blurry. Usually if I want to look at a blurry screen I take off my glasses.
Hi. Would like to thank you for this great work you've done. I have only a suggestion for you: I see something not too good in the track tab. The image for the cd is too large for the quality it has. Maybe it would be better to resize it to the default dimension. Hi, and thanks again.
do you mean the 50 px by 50 px images? they are even smaller than the default...
Note that amaroK SVN adds a shadow for the images by itself. Now with your additional shadow, you're getting a double shadow as result. Looks slightly weird ;)
pitty, was hard work though. than i won't use svn (:
Ha the amarok theme looks kinda dull with ur kde theme(colors) here is mine btw http://users.tpg.com.au/devdsp/snapshot1.jpg cheers, n great work
Really good, like it :) Some suggestions, Make the lines that indicate the % little bit thicker, may be 2 pixel height. Not sure if it will look good tho Need to define the separation between " Favorite Tracks by.." and "Albums by...". May be making the font 'bold' with a border may be? I hope you understand what i meant. its one of the best themes cheers
thanks for your comment (: i will develop! try the 0.2 version...