Description: MAJOR UPDATE!! Yay! Now you have a pack. It contains the KDM theme (v0.2), the wallpaper, shutdownpic, kdm shutdownpic and GIMP splash + Instructions on how to install.
Coming soon: Gentoo bootsplash (I already have it done, but I still need to package it, made for splash-utils and gensplash) KDE splash: (Will do as soon as I find some time) Much more, including fitting icons...
Attention! The screenshot shows "Gentoo 2.6.12 BinJajer" in the left top corner. This does'nt exist in the theme. The art is taken from, and are made by Koko.Last changelog:
v0.2 - Found some time to retouch the pic, blur the fade between the parts and generally improve the theme. v1.0 - Major Update- see text for details...
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