This Spring
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Version .2
Added System and Session Icons. If Anyone could take a screenshot for me or let me know how I would appreciate it all the stuff google came up with didn't work. The Screen shot now is just what the background looks like. Stay Tuned there will be more to come!
Version .3
Added Mouse over effects to the Session and System Icons. Icons now Lighten and darken depending on mouse over or mouse click.
Version .3a
ScreenShot made.
Version .4
Edited warnings to be english, thank you person who told me and it took a few months to read your comment.
Ratings & Comments
All these greeter screens are well done, could you also create a splash screen to go along with them?
If you still want it I will make it.
there were 2 untranslated text nodes so here is what I changed. - Alerta amb les majúscules! + Capslock is On! + Alerta amb les majúscules! - Ops! Ha fallat... + Oops Login Failed... + Ops! Ha fallat...
hit the wrong button.. wanted to hit edit lol - <text>Alerta amb les majúscules!</text> + <text>Capslock is On!</text> + <text xml:lang="ca">Alerta amb les majúscules!</text> - <text>Ops! Ha fallat...</text> + <text>Oops Login Failed...</text> + <text xml:lang="ca">Ops! Ha fallat...</text>
All you people are pretty much correct I actually Did some investigation before I put it up and found no one had tagged a License on it However in the next update I'm going to give both artists Credit!
Not only that, you might want to seek permission from Microsoft to redistribute it. http://www.microsoft.com/nz/windowsxp/downloads/bliss/newbliss.mspx
It's actually a modification by "judge" of artwork by "americanpsycho". Lots more like it here: http://americanpsycho.deviantart.com/gallery/
It looks more like this to me --->> http://www.microsoft.com/nz/windowsxp/downloads/bliss/newbliss.mspx
It's not from Longhorn, it comes from deviantArt.. look here http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/1215083/ there is also one with a tree in the middle. So, for your license I think you should look it up and go from there.
deviantArt does not "license" anything. And the "artist" on deviantArt "borrowed" his artwork from Microsoft. http://www.microsoft.com/nz/windowsxp/downloads/bliss/newbliss.mspx
More like Microsoft borrowed it from the Author if you've tracked this at all the author wasn't to happy about it.
That's funny once the author started complaing they took it off there page.No there no more.
I'm courios it *is* Windows Bliss from the Longhorn Betas - thus why I suppose you check the license!
It's also the default in Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005. http://www.microsoft.com/nz/windowsxp/downloads/bliss/newbliss.mspx